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Arcturus Alexander's picture


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Sheldon's picture
What objective evidence can
Arcturus Alexander's picture
Intelligent design,
NewSkeptic's picture
1, Intelligent design is not
Sheldon's picture
I asked for objective
Arcturus Alexander's picture
I am not able to give an
Sheldon's picture
"I am not able to give an
Dave Matson's picture
Jesus Freak,
Sky Pilot's picture
Jesus freak,
Arcturus Alexander's picture
Assuming you as a person must
turning_left's picture
The mind is an incredible
mickron88's picture
"I came to realize that it
Sheldon's picture
Love is a word we use to
David Killens's picture
Based on this vague dribble,
Sushisnake's picture
Ahem! Cat lady here:


Attach Image/Video?: 

Jared Alesi's picture
Title: Bastet
Sushisnake's picture
Burn Your Bible's picture
People fall in love with
Tin-Man's picture
@Burn Re: Balloon animals
mickron88's picture
why do you want us to change
NewSkeptic's picture
I'll give you some easy ones
Arcturus Alexander's picture
I'm going to try my best to
NewSkeptic's picture
It doesn't. Either God is
Tin-Man's picture
Hate to jump into the middle
CyberLN's picture
He edited it.
Tin-Man's picture
@Cyber Re: "He edited it."
CyberLN's picture
Well, don’t be too hasty
Tin-Man's picture
David Killens's picture
I noticed that too. I suspect
Dave Matson's picture
Sheldon's picture
"but no where does scripture


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