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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sushi

@ Sushi
I know I know, everytime I see there's a juicy bone with gobbets of flesh it turns out the intellectual piranha have already stripped it out, including the marrow!

Sushisnake's picture
@Old Man

@Old Man
If there really were a god, he'd put us all on the same time bloody time zone! Grrr!

CyberLN's picture
All the truly hip people are

All the truly hip people are over here in these time zones....just sayin’...

Sushisnake's picture
Well, they're certainly

Well, they're certainly feistier. They have to be. All those Christians up there.

Nyarlathotep's picture
I know Jesus freak has

I know Jesus freak has withdrawn to rethink some stuff; and I want to say I have a great deal of respect for that.
But I can't resist batting the beehive just a bit more:

Jesus freak - Many of the ancient pharaohs of also had [elongated] heads implying that they were not all human.

That is the funniest shit I've read all week.

Arcturus Alexander's picture
Ya now that I look at that I

Ya now that I look at that I can see the error. lol

Sushisnake's picture
You're back! Yay! :-D

You're back! Yay! :-D

Arcturus Alexander's picture
Jeremiah 17:10 ESV

Jeremiah 17:10 ESV
“I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”
My friends, I am not an Atheist. But I have learned allot for this group of people. I've learned that they only think with logic, and tangible evidence, science, 1s and 2s and a^+b^=c^. God speaks to the heart, not the minds of men. God revels Himself to the open heart.
My mind has questions and things I don't understand but in my heart I know God is real, I know God is here with me. I knew in my heart God was there before I knew God. Its because that's were God likes to be, in my heart and we're all called to our maker, its hard to see sometimes though because we use to much "up here"(mind) and not enough "down here"(heart). Honestly if I'm being truthful I love Jehovah with all my heart. In my heart I know He's always there, always a friend in the dark places. Always with me. I would die without Him. I thank You O Lord. Blessed be Your Name is Holly. God is Good. Ask God for wisdom my friends and guidance, please open your hearts. These are my last words on this platform unless God calls me back. Keep it real y'all. peace out.

algebe's picture
@Jesus freak:

@Jesus freak: Your Name is Holly.

Yeah. Jehovah is a prickly bastard all right.

David Killens's picture
@Jesus Freak

@Jesus Freak

"My friends, I am not an Atheist. But I have learned allot for this group of people. I've learned that they only think with logic, and tangible evidence, science, 1s and 2s and a^+b^=c^. God speaks to the heart, not the minds of men. God revels Himself to the open heart."

For almost all of our daily lives, we use logic and rationality to get through life. We look both ways before we cross a street, our personal work conditions and salary are defined with numbers and specific parameters, the list is almost endless. But when we get to the biggest question in our lives, the God question, you take the course of abandoning all the rules you use in your daily life and base your opinion of god on absolutely zero shred of evidence.

Many years ago when I was 19, I took a sweet young thang to a county fair and the end result was that I got conned out of twenty bucks. That is what happens when you follow your heart, your desires, when you turn off the logic and allow your emotions to rule your decisions.

You stop thinking, of checking things out, you just go with whatever is placed in front of you. And when that happens, you can make huge mistakes that can penalize you for your entire life.

And please, don't give me the "God revels Himself to the open heart." claptrap. For almost twenty years I did all that, got down on my knees, prayed, did everything with 100% commitment. God does not reveal himself, there is no god. What is happening is that one desires a change of state, and once your emotions and attitude in in line with that, then you will believe anything.

algebe's picture
@Jesus freak: I've learned

@Jesus freak: I've learned that they only think with logic

Then you've learned nothing.

How ironic to be accused of being a logic-driven, emotionally stunted robot by someone whose most important emotional attachment is to an imaginary friend.

Sushisnake's picture

Re: " My friends, I am not an Atheist. But I have learned allot for this group of people..."

Wait...what?! You've spoken to...what?...a dozen atheists?...and now you're qualified to talk about " this group of people"? Like we're a generic supermarket line?

And quit proselytising. Try engaging with the counter-apologetics people have given you instead.

Grinseed's picture
I don't only think with logic

I don't only think with logic, my intellect. I am an atheist and I am human and I also think with my emotions and right now I feel insulted to the bloody bone, you arrogant pious Diesel wannabe.
I'm no robot.
Don't go lying to people either, with your new found and extensive knowledge of atheists, about how our elongated intellects imply that we aren't all human.
God is with you eh? Providing you with strength and endurance, but he cant help you withstand a few forum replies before you weasel off.
He wont be impressed. I'm not.

Don't let the door bite you on the bum on the way out.

Tin-Man's picture
@Grinseed Re: "....about how

@Grinseed Re: "....about how our elongated intellects imply that we aren't all human."

Uhhh... Ahem...*tapping you on the shoulder* Hey, really? I'm made of rusted metal held together by loose rivets. You are a funky looking bird wearing furry leggings. Care to revise your statement a bit?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM Thats not a funky

@ TM Thats not a funky looking bird it's a Kookaburra. Now indigenous to all Australia. Its called the laughing kookabura because it sounds like group of dirty old men laughing at an off colour joke...We have a group of them that go off at 4 bloody am....

Aposteriori unum's picture
The birds of America drive me

The birds of America drive me crazy... I could hardly imagine a kookabura at 4 am...

And hey old man, it's been a while.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Aposteriori Unum

@ Aposteriori Unum
Man, welcome home! Where have you been?

There is a whole family of the buggers (kookaburras). Fortunately they visit each part of their quite large territory over a period of weeks so we only get the massed hysterical dirty laughter about once every 2/3 weeks. Unfortunately, when they do decide to proclaim their presence (or get told a new filthy joke) they aso wake up our large colony of ravens that reside in the giant Karri behind us. The Ravens then protest vociferously at their slumber being disturbed, followed by the cursing of sundry human neighbours, magpies and crying of various children in houses roundabout.
Because of their laughter I have yet to find anyone who can stay angry enough at them to actually use any violence upon them. It is Australia after all.

Dave Matson's picture
We don't have any Kookaburras

We don't have any Kookaburras, but we do have these huge, green parrots that fly in large flocks and make an incredible racket as they pass over! Fortunately, they sleep in somewhat later than your Kookaburras! Woe to anyone living near where they hang out! They take off in the early morning and head for their favorite, distant feeding grounds, and return at the end of day.

Sushisnake's picture

We have those too, but they're multi-coloured, not just green and they're not huge: rainbow lorikeets. My god, they're loud! There's hundreds of them roosting in the trees of the local supermarket carpark. You can't hear yourself think at dusk. All you can hear is the shrill squabble of lorikeets, pushing each other off branches. They're fun to watch.

The local mall is inhabited by ravens. Ravens on the light poles. Ravens raiding the bins. Ravens on the ground eating dropped fast food. Ravens calling other ravens. They're not small and they're brazen as buggery. You can walk right up to them and they just look at you. Not a good place to be if Alfred Hitchcock's 'The Birds' frightened you as a kid. Me, I like ravens. Astoundingly smart birds, ravens.

algebe's picture


Ravens are ok, but for bird intelligence you can't beat the New Zealand kea, the world's only alpine parrot. They keep you awake at night with a screech that sounds like a human baby crying, and they eat sheep and cars.

Here's a video of some keas destroying a police car.

Sushisnake's picture
Ooh! I hadn't heard of keas!

Ooh! I hadn't heard of keas! Thanks Algebe. I really like birds.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Kiwis, gangs with no respect

Kiwis, gangs with no respect for the law...Love these birds...

algebe's picture
@Old Man: Kiwis, gangs with

@Old Man: Kiwis, gangs with no respect for the law.

Nah. Kiwis are really too dumb to live. They creep around in the night digging up worms to eat. One tried to eat my bootlaces once.

My favorite New Zealand bird is the kea. That should be our national emblem. Penguins are ok too. They're a bit dopey-looking on land, but they're Olympic-class swimmers. You see them in the southern part of the South Island. And there's the gannet flying circus. It's an amazing sight, but the noise and stink is enough to give you a religious experience.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
We also have the short billed

We also have the short billed Corellas, not really native to this region but like the Rainbow Lorrikeets are fekkin noisy bastards and have reached plague proportions a few times in the last 10 years before being mercilessly culled by the rangers to allow room for the equally noisy local Twentyeights and even noisier Galahs....I've just realised how fekkin noisy it is round 'ere!

Grinseed's picture about "..our

@ Tin

Oh about "..our elongated intellects imply that we aren't all human or funky looking birds with furry leggings or rusty animated robotty things that look like ill-defined home-made novelty letter boxes."
That better?

Tin-Man's picture


Ah. Much better. Thank you, my good man. Funny you should mention letter box, by the way. Did a bit of part-time work as one over a summer during my high school days. Amazing some of the things people will try to send. *shaking head*

Grinseed's picture


My pleasure. Funny you should mention summer. I once spent a summer waking earlyevery morning to attract kookaburras I heard near the farm I lived on by imitating their call , Kakakakakakaaaa! Did this every morning for a month, but they never came close to my place. Then I discovered it weren't kookaburras, It was the bloke on the next property imitating Kookaburras to attract them to his place!

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Grin

@ Grin

Yes, I think everyone is Australia has done that one or similar with the Kookies...*still burns with embarrassed laughter*

NewSkeptic's picture
but wait, you never got to my

but wait, you never got to my question about heaven. Damn. Guess I'll start with that one with the next troll.

If you are still reading, would your God approve of your capitulation so easily? Seems he would want you to stay and convert us heathens.

Kataclismic's picture
I used my heart to think once

I used my heart to think once. Ordered something out of a catalog that my heart said would be perfect. It wasn't. I've learned my heart isn't a good gauge so now I use a tape measure.


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