Is fervent faith, and Stockholm Syndrome, comparable?

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Mitch's picture
Is fervent faith, and Stockholm Syndrome, comparable?

"Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors."

A combination of the illusion of complete control, backed by physical 'evidence' of constant life-threatening power, results in a subject finding a single entity as being both the beginning - and end - of every one of the subjects life experiences. In this way, I think there could be comparison between the behavioral characteristics of the fervently faithful, and those who suffer a form of Stockholm Syndrome.

Do you agree, or disagree? What difference - if any - would concluding for either side make in the way you interact with the faithful? Or for people suffering diagnosed Stockholm Syndrome, for that matter.

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Mitch's picture
I'm disappointed that this
ThePragmatic's picture
Hold your horses. :)
Pitar's picture
"I'm disappointed that this
ThePragmatic's picture
I know too little about
goodspear's picture
You are right to say that God
ThePragmatic's picture
First of all, I'm NOT saying
goodspear's picture
I am no longer a hostage of
Mitch's picture
Thank you all for responding.
Mitch's picture
Ronda, imagine - for just a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Ronda just a question, to see

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