Finding Noah for real?

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jdrose's picture
LOL Thanks! That article made
algebe's picture
"Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal and
charvakheresy's picture
jdrose's picture
I don't think we're in


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Sir Random's picture
Hey, guys:
jdrose's picture
Wikipedia knows everything.
Sir Random's picture
"Did we just think up
jdrose's picture
Its not religion. Thank God.
Sir Random's picture
The Torah is a "holy book".
charvakheresy's picture
BS - You are really clutching
Dave Matson's picture
I am beginning to detect the
algebe's picture
You forgot the turtles.
jdrose's picture
If you want to understand you
algebe's picture
This ancient spacemen crap is
jdrose's picture
Got a problem with this? http
chimp3's picture
Disagree, Yes! You have not
Kataclismic's picture
"If you want to understand
charvakheresy's picture
BS Unbeliever. - You claim
Dave Matson's picture
jdrose's picture
but the inhabited land did
charvakheresy's picture
Indigenous cultures worldwide
jdrose's picture
There are Flood myths
charvakheresy's picture
The key here is they fled a
jdrose's picture
Look for things in common.
Sir Random's picture
"Look for things in common."
Sir Random's picture
chimp3's picture
Thomas Paine in the 1780's
jdrose's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Oh I see we have a new user:
jdrose's picture
Attack the messenger when you


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