Fine-tuning of physical constants

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stillwater's picture
Fine-tuning of physical constants

I do not to believe in super-natural phenomena, not believing in god, is one of them.
The best argument theists have put forward IMO is that if the value of a couple of physical constants would be just slightly off, our universe (and more specifically 'life') would not exist. I think that claim is true.
Putting a god behind the fine-tuning knob to fiddle with the values is hardly solving the problem. Of course we don't derive our values from religion :-) !
Multiverse sounds too much like exegetical acrobatics to me... Are we waiting for a unifying theory in physics? Or do you think the anthropic principle is good enough to account for it?

Any thoughts?
Thank you.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Fine tuning constants
stillwater's picture
If those constants are
Terminal Dogma's picture
If it isn't the way it is we
stillwater's picture
It is all just the way it is.
arakish's picture
One thing you have to
stillwater's picture
I don't think so. If one or
arakish's picture
stillwater's picture
Well, you implied it. You
David Killens's picture
A quote is very acceptable.
stillwater's picture
Accusing me of dishonesty is
arakish's picture
stillwater's picture
I'm disappointed in seeing
chimp3's picture
I am not a physicist. I am an
stillwater's picture
You don't need to worry. I'm
chimp3's picture
@,adragonist: Trust me! I am
stillwater's picture
Thank you Chimp3.
David Killens's picture
stillwater's picture
10 e-666
Sheldon's picture
How do you get those odds
Nyarlathotep's picture
adragonist - 1.0 e-666
stillwater's picture
The accuracy of the exponent
Nyarlathotep's picture
adragonist - The accuracy of
Sheldon's picture
How are you measuring
algebe's picture
@arakish: Absolutist bullshit
arakish's picture
stillwater's picture
I also doubt those
arakish's picture
stillwater's picture
Being an adragonist, I don't
arakish's picture
Sheldon's picture
I want to know how you


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