Is the future of Humanity in danger from religious con artists?

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Glen Hughes's picture
Is the future of Humanity in danger from religious con artists?

Atheism = Indifference.

…Well, not quite, but everyone here must agree that Religion has the upper hand here since proponents feel they are defending an actual person. Not only that but the most important person in their life!

A-Theism on the other hand, since it is the absence of a claim, rather than a claim in itself, lacks ‘Atheist Fervor’, at least for the most part.

But we are all humans. We all have to live on the same planet, a planet we seem to be slowly destroying. Surely religious belief that God will save us is not only denying that we are in danger, but also placing us in even more danger by preventing us from following a globally cohesive plan to bring about our own salvation.

I truly believe that Secularism is the key to all our salvation - believers, faithful and rationalists.

Ken Ham is not only a con man, but he is actively contributing to the propagation of ignorance. He and the rest of ‘Ham kind’ are a danger to the future of our race.

I think us rational types need to up our game! This is serious, people.

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