Is God Real? A thought experiment.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Chriliman - "You would agree
Chriliman's picture
"It matters not. You tell us
cmallen's picture
"It's actually very simple."
Mitch's picture
Actually, I think it really
Chriliman's picture
"Actually, I think it really
Mitch's picture
You capture the core
cmallen's picture
"They choose to believe it,
Chriliman's picture
"I'm going to say this once
science's picture
There is no "absolute
Travis Hedglin's picture
"There is no "absolute
Mitch's picture
I was a little disturbed by
Chriliman's picture
"Yes, yes, they like to make
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Yet another fundamental
cmallen's picture
"Sorry, I am just not a big
Travis Hedglin's picture
Do I detect a fellow
cmallen's picture
Let's just say I'm into
ThePragmatic's picture
I've never called myself a
Chriliman's picture
"The worlds resources cannot
Travis Hedglin's picture
"If every man had compassion
Chriliman's picture
"So, your contention is now
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Never said ALL abortions are
Mitch's picture
What do you hope to achieve
Chriliman's picture
"What do you hope to achieve
CyberLN's picture
"If a women doesn't want a
CyberLN's picture
Chriliman: "...the problem
Chriliman's picture
"Chriliman: "...the problem
CyberLN's picture
"You can honestly say
Chriliman's picture
""You can honestly say
cmallen's picture
Yea, you're not a misanthrope
Mitch's picture
I think you're a closet


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