Is God Real? A thought experiment.

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Chriliman's picture
Is God Real? A thought experiment.

I am questioning, please review my thoughts below and let me know if you have any input, Thanks!

Is God Real?: A Thought Experiment.

The definitions of objective and subjective are as follows:

Objective: not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Subjective: based on or influenced by personal feelings, opinions, or experiences.

Which is of greater importance, being objective or subjective?

Being objective means to seek truth based on facts that are not influenced by personal feelings, opinions, or experiences. The truths that you seek can be proven to be real outside of your mind. For example: if you throw a ball in the air it will come back down based on the laws of nature. This is an objectively proven truth because you can observe the balls actions and can use mathematics to prove that what the ball is doing is in fact real.

This shows that truth can exist not just in our minds, but outside of our minds as well.

Being subjective means to seek truth based on personal feelings, opinions, or experiences. The truths that you seek can only be proven to be real to yourself. For example: I believe God is real because I have proven it to myself. This is a subjectively proven truth because you can not prove that God exists outside of your mind.

This shows that God may not exist outside of our minds, but can exist in our minds.

We can prove that truth can be both subjectively and objectively real, but we can only prove that God is subjectively real. Only God himself can prove that He is objectively real. This leads to the question:

Why doesn't God objectively prove to all people that he exists?

Follow my logic below:

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

You would all agree that we are logical beings, correct? Using logic is crucial in understanding and proving anything. Using logic will also lead us to be as objective as humanly possible. Even the Bible says to prove all things. Which makes complete sense, why shouldn't we at least attempt to prove all things? With all this in mind, follow my logic and feel free to add more logical thoughts.

Surely God wouldn't instruct us to prove all things, while leaving Himself to be unprovable. Yet the only way to truly prove something exists, is to have a full objective understanding of that which is objectively provable. For example: We can objectively prove that truth exists by observing the objective laws of nature.

This leads to the question: Can God be understood and proven objectively?

"But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." (Hebrews 11:6)

Christians believe in order to have a full understanding of God you must first believe He exists and then seek His Word/Will. If we break that statement down logically using objectivity and subjectivity, it reads like this: In order to understand God objectively you must first subjectively believe He exists. How can objectivity possibly come from subjectivity? If you must first be subjective in order to achieve objectivity, you are still only achieving subjectivity. This is absolute logic that can't be denied (if you can use logic to deny it, please do!).

This begs the question: Why has God allowed it to be impossible for us to objectively prove that He exists? (please reference my thought experiment to better understand the importance of this question)

I'm a believer because I believe God is objectively proving He exists through prophecy and miracles and potentially creation itself. Yet its clearly not enough to prove to all people He exists otherwise everyone would believe! I believe if God is real He will objectively prove to all people that He is real because He MUST! Otherwise why allow us to be logical beings, when our logic leads us to the conclusion that we can not objectively prove that God exists, only He can prove this!

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them . . . " (Romans 1:18-20)

However, the fact that God has made it impossible for any of us to objectively prove His existence also makes it impossible to follow His instruction to prove all things (1 Thessalonians 5:21), unless He is only referring to subjective truths, this is the only logical answer. I want to believe in God, but the logic that he has supposedly allowed me to have prevents complete objective belief, thus I will always have doubts unless I submit to subjective belief.

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Pitar's picture
Lot's of words to polarize
mysticrose's picture
Using a skeptical mind, God
Lonnie Craig's picture
god is simply 'the air' &
ThePragmatic's picture
You forgot to define your
Mitch's picture
Also, god is easily pushed
Gristomatic's picture
Rose, what do you think
ImFree's picture
The burden of proof falls on
science's picture
I agree 100%. The burden of
Gristomatic's picture
You lack faith. You do not
Nyarlathotep's picture
begging the question: by
hermitdoc's picture
You state "You would all
science's picture
Excellent post. I agree 100%
Alan D. Griffin's picture
Every conclusion that we come
Chriliman's picture
This is a great point! Thank
Mitch's picture
Wouldn't this make
Chriliman's picture
A summation of many
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"This is absolute logic that
Chriliman's picture
Thank you all for you input,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You can make the same exact
Chriliman's picture
You can't test and verify
Brometheus's picture
I subjectively know that
ThePragmatic's picture
Ah, yes. But Batman, The Dark
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"but we shouldn't live like
science's picture
The bottom line is, anyone
Gristomatic's picture
Jeff leone,Why are you so
Travis Hedglin's picture
After reading that, I must
Chriliman's picture
Did you read the first more
Brometheus's picture
Have you read 'Questions to
Chriliman's picture
Yes, it all makes sense, but
Travis Hedglin's picture
"How can we discover absolute


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