Is God Real? A thought experiment.

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cmallen's picture
This is a perfectly
Chriliman's picture
Now that you have a better
Mitch's picture
Interesting. Although, the
Chriliman's picture
"Rather, I would suggest
Mitch's picture
Except that even your
Chriliman's picture
Yes, this is very possible,
Mitch's picture
Couldn't reality be finite,
Chriliman's picture
"Couldn't reality be finite,
Mitch's picture
Mitch's picture
Holy shit - no pun intended -
ThePragmatic's picture
Chriliman's picture
"Here's a link with some
Chriliman's picture
Now, let me be as open minded
n7natnat's picture
You know this whole process
Ellie Harris's picture
Since brevity is a lost art
Chriliman's picture
Right, you just described
ThePragmatic's picture
Hold it! I just found the
Nyarlathotep's picture
Chriliman - "...o̲u̲r̲
Chriliman's picture
Getting pretty desperate I
n7natnat's picture
you know assume means to
n7natnat's picture
and u said we can't think of
n7natnat's picture
Yea just realized you might
science's picture
This conversation has gotten
Chriliman's picture
How is claiming that nothing
Nyarlathotep's picture
Here is my problem with the
Travis Hedglin's picture
Chriliman's picture
You've completely left out
Nyarlathotep's picture
Chriliman - "You've
Travis Hedglin's picture
Not to mention that a belief
Chriliman's picture
"You told us you can't


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