God's Grace

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Pitar's picture
God's Grace

Okay, I know this is just a fast food restaurant but let's say Grace.

What is this grace?

You just said it.

I know, but, I don't know what it is.

What do you think it means?

Well, I was hoping you could tell me.

How can you say grace and not know what you're saying?

Well, I was just, like, repeating what you were saying, whatever that was.

So, you were just speaking words you did not understand?

No, I understood them but why I was saying them was confusing me.

Tell me, do you believe in god?

Yes, why?

You were saying grace in praise of him.

I don't understand.

Okay, when you say grace you are giving a prayer of thanks.

I understand that but what does "grace" mean in all of it?

The prayer puts you in touch with god's grace.

How does that work?

He hears you and acknowledges you.

How do you know that?

I just do.

How come I don't?

That's a very good question. How come you don't?

How come you do?

Because I live by god's word and let him know of my devotion to him by worship.

He talks to you?

No, not exactly. He let's me know in non-verbal ways.

Like what?

Like when something good happens in my life. That's god's work.

Do you have a lot of good things happening in your life?

Enough to keep me aware god is looking out for me.

So, god makes all the good things happen for you?

Yes. That's his grace at work.

Oh, so if I live each day looking for the good things in my life, those are things he makes happen because I'm in his grace?


Okay. I'm a hooker. Does god approve of such a thing?

Well, no, but he did send me here tonight out of his grace so we can work on yours together.

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algebe's picture
At primary school in England,

At primary school in England, we had to say grace every day before sitting down to lunch in the school dining room. The words were "For what we are about to receive may the good lord make us truly thankful. Amen." As the years went by we learned to parrot these meaningless words faster and faster until we could do it in about three seconds.

One day I dutifully said grace and sat down to my meal of roast meat and mashed potato. After my first bite of the meat, I felt something funny in my throat and began to choke. I fell to the floor and started to die, while the other kids and the teacher looked on dumbly. In desperation I stuck my fingers in my mouth and found the end of a piece of string, which I yanked out. A piece of the twine used to tie up the meat in the oven had been left in my portion.

That was the last time I thanked god for anything.

MCDennis's picture
Good stuff. Was this an

Good stuff. Was this an actual discussion?

NameRemovedByMod's picture
What are theists doing in

Are you an atheist? Or just an internet troll? Closet conservative?

chimp3's picture
Jesus hung out with

Jesus hung out with prostitutes. Say good night Gracie! Thank You Jesus!

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