Gods Infinity Problem

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David Killens's picture
@ Homer
Homergreg's picture
I did address the logic that
dogalmighty's picture
Homergreg's picture
I'm hear to read about the OP
dogalmighty's picture
I am only responding to what
Homergreg's picture
I didn't say it wasn't
David Killens's picture
@ Homer
Sheldon's picture
Homer "The guy said "God
Sheldon's picture
Homer "Without the assertion
dogalmighty's picture
"Please seek help..."evil
boomer47's picture
@ David
Grinseed's picture
@ David
LogicFTW's picture
Whitefire13's picture
What type of “infinity”?
Nyarlathotep's picture
Homer - What evidence do you
Sheldon's picture
Homer's gone very quiet,
Homergreg's picture
Your assert that either I
Sheldon's picture
I haven't asserted Toure not
Homergreg's picture
Lol, I'm not meeting your
Sheldon's picture
It's still not my definition,
Homergreg's picture
Lol. Here's what I'm
Whitefire13's picture
Oh Homer ...” It's not my
Homergreg's picture
I clarify that statement with
Sheldon's picture
Homer " Here's what I'm
Homergreg's picture
Your hiding from your own
Sheldon's picture
Homergreg's picture
Here's your quote:
Sheldon's picture
Homer "Here's your quote:
Homergreg's picture
Not sure Sheldon. You looked
Sheldon's picture
Homer "I'm trying to say


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