"Higher power" as mentioned in Alcoholic Anonymous

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arakish's picture
Great Hope: "You guys say
Great hope's picture


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Sheldon's picture
Same old vapid sermon,
arakish's picture
Great Hope: "It's not the job
Great hope's picture
Ok love ya bud. Sorry I don't
Sheldon's picture
"Sorry I don't have what you
Great hope's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Great hope - And what I've
Great hope's picture
arakish's picture
Who is Rick and Morty? I
comoke1024's picture
@Arakish, Rick and Morty is a
arakish's picture
@ Skeptical Kevin
Sheldon's picture
"I guess atheism is now
Great hope's picture
Sheldon's picture
"Yes, you are right. I and
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ GH
David Killens's picture
Great Hope, all you have to
David Killens's picture
I've never seen so much
arakish's picture
In Spirit: "Is it possible
Sheldon's picture
I no more field obliged to
In Spirit's picture
To anyone giving me comments
David Killens's picture
I like Turtles.
arakish's picture
So do I. 7734, I even had a


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