If God could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt?

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xenoview's picture
My girlfriend has a statue
Ryan Russell's picture
I am having a hard time
MCDennis's picture
I am happy to have a debate
Ryan Russell's picture
There is little need to
MCDennis's picture
What the hell !!! I am not
Ryan Russell's picture
1.) There is no theoretical
LogicFTW's picture
Sure there is a theoretical
Ryan Russell's picture
You're reiterating my point.
Sky Pilot's picture
charvakheresy's picture
@ New Finland...
LogicFTW's picture
I like that, I could morph it
hermitdoc's picture
I've said it before and I'll
Jeeman's picture
@NewFinland ... Hi : )
xenoview's picture
Even if a god could be proven
MCDennis's picture
No no no. The god of the
Heartplace's picture
@Charvak -- "Not much is
MCDennis's picture
Heartplace, I agree that a
xenoview's picture
I think a personal appearance
Usagi's picture
Why can't the God that wants
Ryan Russell's picture
If God is all powerful and


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