The irony in the term "Judeo-Christian"

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toto974's picture
The irony in the term "Judeo-Christian"

It is all in the title. It always bugs me when religious apologists, christian nationalists or those playing identity politics invoke this term. I mean, what is jew in past and contemporary societies with a strong christian heritage? They always says "it was in the OT!!". If we are not to consider the OT (unless for the "I am your Lord and you will worship only me" bit). Why put two third of pages in the Bible if you don't care about it?

Lastly, it seems to me very hypocritical for societies that persecuted Jews for 2000 years to say that.

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Cognostic's picture
Yea - OT my ass. Judo came
toto974's picture
Judo is very cool by the way.
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: Judo Christians
Cognostic's picture
What a great idea. We would
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: "What a great idea.
toto974's picture
Cognostic's picture
Krav Maga? It's not Jewish.
toto974's picture
Mmh it is interesting, to say
Cognostic's picture
You're not missing much. (I
rat spit's picture
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Grinseed's picture
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Cognostic's picture
The Christian narrative is a

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