Is it amoral to have sex with a goat

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rat spit's picture
Is it amoral to have sex with a goat

Now, i’m talking about when the goat comes on to YOU. And I know in the bible OT I’d be sent to death - but the good lord Jesus forgives ALL OF MY SINS.

That’s not what keeps me up at night. What keeps me up is this. Now, I’m just assuming here and looking for answers.

My semen supposably survives in the uterus of the goat. So, is it possible that one of my sperms penetrates her egg?

And if so, does some mutated coagulation of reproduction occur until this abomination of nature is finally terminated by the replication process?

In other words; can I make a baby with a goat? And if not, to what degree can my DNA procreate with the DNA of the goat?

And is it amoral? Or should I just embrace our mutual affection for each other?

Thanks guys and gals!

rat spit

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algebe's picture
I think you should be very
Cognostic's picture
RE: Is it amoral to have sex
David Killens's picture
Cognostic's picture
Twas the night before
Tin-Man's picture
@Rat Spit Re: "Is it amoral
Randomhero1982's picture
It's only immoral if the goat
rat spit's picture
In goat years she’s legal (in
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Rat Spit
Tin-Man's picture
@Rat Spit Re: "...shed some
Cognostic's picture
How about a human body with a
rat spit's picture
She’d need a goat stomach too
Tin-Man's picture
Re: Rat Spit - "...come on
algebe's picture
@Cognostic: How about a human
rat spit's picture
I would take one of each. It

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