The Kalam Cosmological Argument

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David Killens's picture
Josh,I have no problem
Cognostic's picture
#27 - How frigging dense are
David Killens's picture
Sheldon's picture
Josh "Once again, you and I
Joshb's picture
@ Sheldon
David Killens's picture
Joshb's picture
@ David Killens
David Killens's picture
Joshb's picture
@ David Killens
David Killens's picture
David Killens's picture
Sheldon's picture
Josh " I struggle to believe
Sheldon's picture
Josh "ALL beings were
Sheldon's picture
Josh "Youre right. We do not
Cognostic's picture
@Sheldon: It's only about
Simon Moon's picture
I could not point out the
David Killens's picture
The problem with Josh's Kalam
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I have some serious issues
Joshb's picture
@ Watchmaker
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Sure, Well firstly I would
Sheldon's picture
josh "There have been many
David Killens's picture
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
@David Killens
Cognostic's picture
@TheBlindWatchmaker: RE:
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Cognostic's picture
@ It's funny how "Wooo Wooo
Joshb's picture
@ everyone
Nyarlathotep's picture
Cognostic's picture
RE: Krauss is suggesting
Cognostic's picture
@David Killens: WTF WAS


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