Life has no meaning.

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CyberLN's picture
So, use that creative self

So, use that creative self and write stories about being a lion!

Mikeykitty123's picture
I wish reality isn't a thing

I wish reality isn't a thing anymore. I hate reality.

dogalmighty's picture
best I could do

best I could do


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Mikeykitty123's picture



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Tin-Man's picture
Mikey!!! Good to have you

Mikey!!! Good to have you back, dude. I like that lion. Nice, beautiful animal. I like cats, too, (we have three) but I have always been more of a dog person overall. I just relate to dogs better than cats, I guess. But if you like cats/lions, then look at that lion you posted. That is an incredibly strong and regal creature. And it can be commanding and ferocious. Dude, be that lion! Do you think the lion sits around all day worrying about why it exists or what its purpose is in life? No, it does not. The lion simply does what it does based on its nature and instincts. And in doing so, that animal rules its domain/territory. There is a reason they call them King of the Jungle. But here's the thing.... As a human you have soooo much more than just pure instinct with which to run your life. You have intelligence. You have imagination. You have cognitive reasoning abilities. You have the ability to choose your surroundings/living environment. In other words, you have far more advantages than that lion could even imagine. (If lions happen to have imagination.) So use all these incredible tools you have at your disposal and take charge of your own life. Rule your domain/territory. Set a good example for others to follow. Make people laugh with your writings. I know putting a smile on people's faces always brings me a sense of satisfaction. Learn to ROAR, my man! Every day you wake up breathing is another day you have to possibly make a positive difference in another person's life. Take advantage of it and enjoy it.

Sushisnake's picture

I can't decide if that lion is roaring "Who? Me?" Or "What you lookin' at, Bug Eyes?" :-)

dogalmighty's picture
You put your cat with my

You put your cat with my chimp and we have an issue.

Cognostic's picture
Who told you that you had to

Who told you that you had to be happy. Being happy is a choice. Life does not give a crap about you. You serve life. Life feeds on life. If you die, you serve life by feeding the next generation. If you live you serve life by feeding the next generation. It makes no difference what you do, you serve life. Life is always completely fulfilled. What you do with your life is up to you. Spend your life whining and crying or get up off your butt and give yourself some meaning. Your meaning comes from what you do. So far your meaning is to whine and cry about life. Whatever floats your boat. I'm too happy to even think about people like you.

Inexorable Again's picture
You guys gave this man such a

You guys gave this man such a hope!! Lol!! He is still hopeless and you know why? Because hopelessness is the logical conclusion to your atheism!! Face the facts guys. You can offer bothing good to this world!!

Sheldon's picture
False hope

False hope is what religions deal in. Atheism isn't a religion any more than it's a world view. False hope is as compelling as you agreeing with your own posts or using your sock-puppet accounts to give the impression others have.

Contribute something of value or bugger off.

dogalmighty's picture
"You guys gave this man such

"You guys gave this man such a hope!! Lol!! He is still hopeless and you know why? Because hopelessness is the logical conclusion to your atheism!! Face the facts guys. You can offer bothing good to this world!!"

He is not hopeless...and stop with the rhetoric of imperatives already, its dishonest. Do you not include honesty in your debates.

Inexorable Again's picture
Honesty? What are you talking

Honesty? What are you talking about? What hope have you given the man? He is still a random spec in the universe according to you. Tomorrow he will die and no one will even remember him a few years from now. What can you possibly offer him to give him hope?12

Tin-Man's picture
@Inex Re: "Honesty? What

@Inex Re: "Honesty? What are you talking about? What hope have you given the man? He is still a random spec in the universe according to you. Tomorrow he will die and no one will even remember him a few years from now. What can you possibly offer him to give him hope?12"

Psssst..... *whispering* hey.... a little secret.... we ARE all just little random specs of dust in the universe.

Even so, what's the big deal? Personally, I am perfectly okay with that idea. Matter of fact, that thought actually instills in me a fantastic feeling of awe and wonder. I'm smiling just thinking about it right now. I mean, imagine, here we are floating around on this little grain of sand oasis we call Earth, in the infinite vastness of a universe full of wonders and phenomenon we can hardly comprehend. Man, that is just AWESOME to me! How can anybody get depressed thinking about that? And just within the few years of my own lifetime, Man has developed the means of going out into that vastness and exploring the solar system that is our planet's neighborhood. And we have developed the technology that allows us to see and study other galaxies that are millions of light years away. To me, these are things to get excited about. I am getting almost giddy talking about it right now. Point is, yes, maybe we are just products of "random chance". So what? Still doesn't take away from the fact that we are here now, regardless of how it happened. And, yes, when I die, it is likely very few people will ever remember me a few years after I am gone. Again, so what? I won't know any different one way or the other. However, while I am here NOW, I intend to enjoy as much as I can for as long as I can, and along the way I might get lucky enough to help a few of my fellow humans as they make their way along their own journeys. Has nothing to do with hope. Life is what we make it.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Tin Man

@ Tin Man
And that blasted 1000 Agree button has gone missing again.

Well said TM. My thoughts exactly, now isn't that random!? Well said, well written, and Michael, nearly every creative person has the burden of depression to cope with. It comes with the territory. We learn, we create, we can even earn sometimes, but above all, we carry on.Because creativity whether it is in writing, acting, painting or any art form you consider is the end fulfilment and your own life there on the page, the clay or on the canvas.
It is what we do, what we are. Yes learning to live is difficult, learning to cope with rejection is hard, but it is what we do, through a haze of tears or manic joy. We cant help feeling, and thinking that 'we' feel more, then we grow and realise we as creatives don't feel anything 'more' we just have to express it in any way we can. Containment is not in our DNA.

Live Michael, have a joy in every breath, wallow in your own misery but learn from it, create something worthwhile from it, that IS your meaning.

Oh, I nearly forgot @ Inex, do fuck off, you are becoming an insufferable pratt with your constant insults. Desist you nong.

Sushisnake's picture
@Old Man

@Old Man
Re: TM
Yep, a 1000+ agree button, or a gold star standard button. Can we have a gold star standard button, Cyber? Please?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Sushisnake - Can we have a

Sushisnake - Can we have a gold star standard button, Cyber?

CyberLN and I are not authorized (or have the access required) to make alterations to the infrastructure of the forums. I recommend posting your awesome suggestion in the site support area so it will be noticed by the developers.

Sushisnake's picture

"Honesty? What are you talking about? What hope have you given the man? He is still a random spec in the universe according to you. Tomorrow he will die and no one will even remember him a few years from now. What can you possibly offer him to give him hope?"

Well let's see. We're listening to Mikey. We've tried to communicate the things that give us a sense of joy and meaning. We've acknowledged we can't help him find his own sense of meaning, only he can do that, and many of us have begged him more than once to find help to do that. Some of us have told him we can't affirm his beliefs in the supernatural, that his being here will only make him despair more, and we've suggested he join a forum of like minded people he feels comfortable with to lift his mood a little.

What have you brought Mikey, Inexorable? How will your rant I quoted help Mikey? How will ANY of your anti-atheist rants help Mikey? What hope have you brought to the table? I don't recall you telling Mikey god loves him, or has a plan for him, or that all will be well for Mikey. Some of the theists past and present on this forum would have done just that- tried to comfort Mikey. The theists in my family certainly would. But you don't. You're too busy being the sort of toxic Christian that rants against anyone who doesn't believe exactly what he believes. Mikey can correct me if I'm wrong, but I suspect the reason he's here on an atheist forum is because your stripe of Christianity just doesn't do it for him. Too angry. Too nasty. Too exclusive- it left Mikey out and that's why he's here.

Take a look in the mirror, Inexorable. You're the reason the 'nones' are the fastest growing religious category in the Western world. You're the reason people are leaving organised religion in droves. And you're the reason people like Mikey come to people like us, looking for evidence that not believing in god and souls and an afterlife doesn't equal nihilism in a bleak, dark abyss after all. Please, carry on.

Tin-Man's picture
@Sushi and Old Man

@Sushi and Old Man

Now I'm the one looking for that "1000 Agree" button. Let me know if you find it.

Mikeykitty123's picture
Sadly, you are actually right

Sadly, you are actually right. The main reason why I tried looking upon atheism is because I find religion in of itself very contradicting.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture

"The main reason why I tried looking upon atheism is because I find religion in of itself very contradicting."
It is and nearly everyone on this site agrees with that statement.

The question is "do I want to be lied to, robbed and my intellect and creativity suppressed by men in suits that force feed me a god delusion ; to take my self respect and money? " or, "Do I want to face life a free person, with rights and responsibilities to myself and others. To face all that life throws at me and deal with it according to my own sense of empathy, my own sense of right and wrong without promise of reward or divine punishment ?"

Your choice mate. It is hard to struggle, harder to struggle, every day, with your self and sense of self. I know, been there got the wound medals. Is it worth it? Fuck yeh.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture

"The main reason why I tried looking upon atheism is because I find religion in of itself very contradicting."
It is and nearly everyone on this site agrees with that statement.

The question is "do I want to be lied to, robbed and my intellect and creativity suppressed by men in suits that force feed me a god delusion ; to take my self respect and money? " or, "Do I want to face life a free person, with rights and responsibilities to myself and others. To face all that life throws at me and deal with it according to my own sense of empathy, my own sense of right and wrong without promise of reward or divine punishment ?"

Your choice mate. It is hard to struggle, harder to struggle, every day, with your self and sense of self. I know, been there got the wound medals. Is it worth it? Fuck yeh.

chimp3's picture
Inexorable again: "What hope

Inexorable again: "What hope have you given the man? He is still a random spec in the universe according to you. Tomorrow he will die and no one will even remember him a few years from now. What can you possibly offer him to give him hope?"

This is a false dillema. No one on this forum has taken anything away from this man.He is obviously a believer in some god. He can take refuge there. Instead of countering our arguments, why don't you soothe him with your religious sentiment.

LogicFTW's picture
He is going to die tomorrow?

He is going to die tomorrow? How do you know this? Do you intend to try to murder him tomorrow?

How do you know no one will remember him in a few years? Are you omniscient? If so what are ya doing on these boards?

dogalmighty's picture
"Honesty? What are you

"Honesty? What are you talking about? What hope have you given the man? He is still a random spec in the universe according to you. Tomorrow he will die and no one will even remember him a few years from now. What can you possibly offer him to give him hope?12"

Dude, google rhetoric of imperatives, then review your last comment, and you will find i'm not talking about him, I'm talking about you. Ignoratio elenchi

Inexorable Again's picture
Dog I never had a doubt that

Dog I never had a doubt that you were talking about me. As far as your attempt to school me on the subject of rhetoric of imperatives, there is no need. My assertion is that you have not provided adequate consolation for the man. Not so much because there isn’t plenty to chose from in a theistic world view, but because you refuse to touch the forbidden fruit on that side and tip toe around the obvious fact that it is the only world view that can and does offer real hope. The mechanics of my rhetoric need no examination, just stick to the context.

Sushisnake's picture

"My assertion is that you have not provided adequate consolation for the man. "

And you've offered him NONE AT ALL! You haven’t even attempted to do so! What a ranting, raving empty fool of a hypocrite* you are!
Go away and try and come up with something FOR Mikey instead of AGAINST atheism. He's looking for help, not anti-atheism rants. Try to stay on topic. Hell, try to GET on topic!

* My summation of your "'content'.

Sheldon's picture
Excellent summation of the

Excellent summation of the facts. Well done and well said. This idiot is a pathetic troll who's so stupid he's admitted having multiple sock puppet accounts in multiple threads.

You won't make much of a dent in that level of stupidity.

dogalmighty's picture
"Dog I never had a doubt that

"Dog I never had a doubt that you were talking about me. As far as your attempt to school me on the subject of rhetoric of imperatives, there is no need. My assertion is that you have not provided adequate consolation for the man. Not so much because there isn’t plenty to chose from in a theistic world view, but because you refuse to touch the forbidden fruit on that side and tip toe around the obvious fact that it is the only world view that can and does offer real hope. The mechanics of my rhetoric need no examination, just stick to the context."

You still missed the point, again. Might I point out in hopes of helping you, that an approach of respect for both sides of a debate, is always the approach that is most effective. More importantly, It always commands and receives admiration from all participants as well. Not an approach of a religious crusader or slayer of atheists. Why do you have a need to behave dishonestly? Using dishonest debate tactics is a sign of a weak argument and draws away from any truth or impact your comment may hold. Why do you have a need to disrespect people? This sparks animosity among debaters and often perpetuates hate for others with opposing views, not only within the discussion but also away from the forum. Why the need to finish your points with insults? This shows significant negative traits...self-affirmation, lack of confidence and/or uncontrolled anger. Your debate approach makes others feel uncomfortable enough to the point of avoiding interaction with you, despite having a pertinent comment or counter-point. This brings into question your ethical construct and moral imperatives. If you have a moral deficit or don't care about others, continue to mistreat and disrespect. If you do care, be nice. It is a virtue touted by many religions to treat others kindly.You will not find William Lane Craig or David Wolpe or the like, displaying behavior as you repeatedly have on this forum. People judge and respond to you based on your actions and interactions with them. If you have the knowledge, why take the low road? Why not let your comments shine, rather than your poor actions. .

Inexorable Again's picture


Sheldon's picture
1. Demonstrate some objective

1. Demonstrate some objective evidence for 'miracles.
2. No one cares whether the truth makes you happy. So stop your endless whining.
3. Your life may have no meaning with delusional superstion, but mine has meaning without recourse to self delusion, or bizarre superstitious beliefs that there is no objective evidence for.


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