Is materialism a real theory? Do most atheist believe in it?

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dxm_dxm's picture
Is materialism a real theory? Do most atheist believe in it?

A theory is an explanation behind a claim, an explanation preferably supported by scientific evidence. For example the theory of evolution is certainly a real theory and, on top of being a real theory, is supported by a ton of strong evidence and scientific facts.

Not the same can be said about materialism - the claim that consciousness comes from matter.

There is no theory behind this claim, not even an attempt at a theory. When it comes to evidence, there is none because you don't even have a theory to begin with - you don't even have a theory that evidence could possibly support.

So, as atheist, what is your opinion about the idea that consciousness comes from matter ? Do you believe in it, despite no theory being behind it, let alone evidence to back that theory ?

Atheism is not the same as materialism - it only means not believing in the existence of a god, especially not without some kind of theory or evidence behind this claim. One can be an atheist without believing in materialism.

So what are your opinions about materialism ? Can you believe in this claim without 1) a theory and 2) evidence to support it ? Can you believe it it based purely on intuition ?



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xenoview's picture
Your consciousness comes from
dxm_dxm's picture
The argument you brought up
Sapporo's picture
dxm_dxm: The argument you
xenoview's picture
Your consciousness is
dxm_dxm's picture
And without consciousness,
xenoview's picture
Consciousness requires a
Nyarlathotep's picture
dxm_dxm - And without
Senta Christine's picture
Not proven. No one knows
arakish's picture
But I do. Neurotransmitters.
Cognostic's picture
I thought nature abhorred a
Nyarlathotep's picture
Cognostic - I thought nature
Sheldon's picture
So what? Science couldn't
Senta Christine's picture
Also the paramecium has
Sheldon's picture
"Also the paramecium has
Sapporo's picture
@dxm_dxm that is a very
dxm_dxm's picture
"Define what you mean by
David Killens's picture
Actually, you are deep into
SunDog's picture
Consciousness is an emergent
dxm_dxm's picture
"""I think materialism is a
Sheldon's picture
"Materialism claims
dxm_dxm's picture
"You mean other than the
CyberLN's picture
Does an ant have
CyberLN's picture
And, btw, an ant brain has
ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
Lol suddenly you're a
CyberLN's picture
Actually, it’s called
ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
No; I find your "I'm not
CyberLN's picture
John, I have no idea what you
ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
Read it a few more times.
CyberLN's picture
No thanks.
arakish's picture
Except when you write it.


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