Is materialism a real theory? Do most atheist believe in it?

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xenoview's picture
Now your just talking word
LogicFTW's picture
Sheldon's picture
"@Sheldon: You're arguments
dxm_dxm's picture
Grinseed's picture
"In order for the rock to
dxm_dxm's picture
@Grinseed :
Sheldon's picture
"This is what quantum physics
Sheldon's picture
1) It was I who pointed out
dxm_dxm's picture
Consiousness is not just an
CyberLN's picture
Dxm, I think that is all a
Sheldon's picture
Thu, 10/25/2018 - 12:36
xenoview's picture
dxm_dxm's picture
What objective evidence do
xenoview's picture
dxm_dxm's picture
1)The one who claims there is
xenoview's picture
Rebirth is you being born
Sapporo's picture
So, is materialism a real
Randomhero1982's picture
There's definitely a spoon,
Cognostic's picture
Materialism is not a theory
Cognostic's picture
Dxm_dxm @ "A theory is an
xenoview's picture
dxm_dxm's picture
yup :D
Cognostic's picture
dxm_dxm @ Consciousness comes
dxm_dxm's picture
1) In this case, if you put
Nyarlathotep's picture
dxm_dxm's picture
@Sheldon :
toto974's picture
What are the insects with
Sheldon's picture
I assume you accept that the
Nyarlathotep's picture
dxm_dxm - Materialism claims
dxm_dxm's picture
1) It doesn't predict


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