Matt Dillahunty, The Atheist Experience, and SJWs

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Peurii's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
I just want to know the
Peurii's picture
I think your analogy of boxes
Nyarlathotep's picture
If I was to tell my
Peurii's picture
A better analogy would be if
Terminal Dogma's picture
Mylar you are displaying how
Nyarlathotep's picture
It is interesting that my
Terminal Dogma's picture
It is possible to use
Peurii's picture
There are many types of
Peurii's picture
Where have I said that the
Nyarlathotep's picture
Peurii - Where have I said
Terminal Dogma's picture
It's not unexplained, some
Peurii's picture
Well that is a larger
Terminal Dogma's picture
Here is something I ask you
Peurii's picture
Men have been disposable
Terminal Dogma's picture
Gonna try find the academic
Peurii's picture
All I can find about this is
Terminal Dogma's picture
1938 is a long time ago
Peurii's picture
It's interesting how
Nyarlathotep's picture
Much better.
Peurii's picture
So you didn't even bother to
Nyarlathotep's picture
Peurii - Had you read them, I
Terminal Dogma's picture
The bad math is not the
Peurii's picture
@Terminal Dogma
Terminal Dogma's picture
Females of our species bear
Peurii's picture
@Terminal Dogma
Terminal Dogma's picture
Recent article about a guy
Peurii's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
I agree with at least most of
Terminal Dogma's picture
Clear to me. Although you


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