Moral Nihilism

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Sheldon's picture
He's an habitual liar, it's
rat spit's picture
More grammar errors. Sheldon.
Sheldon's picture
Do the moral thing and stop
Sheldon's picture
"a) misrepresenting me again.
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
Sheldon's picture
ratspiit “agnostic” is an
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
You lied, again, this
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
Nice try, but that smoke
dogalmighty's picture
Deja Vu...I remember now ,how
Cognostic's picture
"As if love, affection,
rat spit's picture
I’m glad you bring up pain
Sheldon's picture
"And merely wanting to save
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
ratshit "Learn how to
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
Grow up ratboy, your puerile
rat spit's picture
Again. The master fails to
Sheldon's picture
Sun, 04/21/2019 - 04:44
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
Sheldon's picture
"FACE THE FACTS - You are not
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
ratbrain "Yeah, and you’re a
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
" You take great pleasure in
rat spit's picture
The same genes which allow
Sheldon's picture
You still don't know what


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