Moral Nihilism

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Ratty
rat spit's picture
Well fuck, Old Man. Would you
rat spit's picture
@Tin Man
Sheldon's picture
Morality is the ability to
rat spit's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Rat Spit Re: "Regarding the
Sheldon's picture
"Ethics and morals relate to
Cognostic's picture
Why do you insist on going on
Sheldon's picture
S you say Consequentalism
rat spit's picture
Thanks Cog. You made my point
Sheldon's picture
"Morality is a conceptual
rat spit's picture
I see you have neglected to
Sheldon's picture
"quotes - particularly the
rat spit's picture
“Dear oh dear rat, this
Sheldon's picture
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
Typical of you as a theist to
Sheldon's picture
You've ignored both my
rat spit's picture
I asked for a response in
Sheldon's picture
Again I answered your
rat spit's picture
I have an answer in terms of
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
ratspit "Mmm. I always think
Sheldon's picture
Sometime, typical dishonest
rat spit's picture
You don’t think our emotional
Sheldon's picture
ratspit "You don’t think our
rat spit's picture
Sheldon said
Sheldon's picture
"The parts that don’t pertain
rat spit's picture
Totally unnecessary and weak
dogalmighty's picture
@ ratbrain


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