"No true Christian supports violence" is NOT a no true Scotsman.

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arakish's picture
seems like lots of theist

seems like lots of theist organizations do not really want a wide open medium where anyone can debate or have open unregulated discussion.

Know what you mean Logic. I looked into joining a few, but every forum board I found had that "...as long as it promotes a healthy belief and faith in Christianity/Catholicism..." and that is as far as I would read because I knew I could not post due to that "gag" order. I just wanted to ask questions and see what kind of bullshit answers I would get. Oh well... Their loss...

Shows to me that the theists are too afraid to debate on their websites. No wonder we get so many drive-bys.


ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Duh, Christianity is a

Duh, Christianity is a lifestyle; which means plenty of forums will serve that purpose.

Sheldon's picture
To be clear he forfeited

To be clear he forfeited nothing, there was no argument, he made up a lie about me he has used before, and I called him on it. Pulling your own pants down and spanking yourself doesn't mean you weren't naughty. It's NOT like he's acknowledging the lie after all. The really funny thing is he never tires of appealing to himself as an authority in psychology on here, he is a student apparently, but the main thrust of his premise is that by calling him on an earlier lie, he's implying I couldn't know it was a lie unless I read his mind. Now granted some of his dishonest claims and tactics could possibly be the result of someone who lacked the intellectual ability to determine between truth and falsity, but I was giving him the benefit of the doubt so to speak.

Let me illustrate with an example. He started two threads on slavery in the bible, claiming the bible condemned slavery, and citing a law that forbade kidnap. The law of course didn't mention slaves or slavery, so it was a woeful argument, but then he refused page after page week after week to discuss or acknowledge any biblical text that specifically mentioned slavery. He just kept insisting they weren't relevant. Now either he genuinely believes that a discussion on the biblical attitude towards slavery was more likely to be objective if all texts in the bible mentioning slavery were ignored, or we was being thoroughly dishonest.

Like a few others and after a long tedious discussion where his intransigence left little doubt, I took the latter view. Now you decide, did I need clairvoyance to make an objective choice about whether he was being deliberately dishonest? I mean if I'm way off here and he is in fact nuts, I'll happily apologise? Though of course this wasn't the only time he was less than honest in exchanges here, and many posters have pointed out his tedious habit of dishonest evasion.

In another thread he just claimed that he thinks the most common mistake atheists make is to listen to "propaganda that god is evil". I have never even encountered any such atheist propaganda, as it is impossible for any atheist to think a deity is anything beyond non-existent. It's like claiming people disbelieve unicorns exist because the pointy horn on their head looks dangerous. It makes no sense. It's also the bible and the koran that claim their deity is sadistic and evil, atheists didn't write those books, so how that is "atheist propaganda" I don't know.

Sheldon's picture
"Sheldon is a timewaster "

"Sheldon is a timewaster "

From the man who started two separate threads on slavery in the bible, then spent weeks refusing to talk about any biblical texts that actually mentioned slavery, hilarious.

"The goal is not to win an argument, "

Your lucky day then.

"but to forfeit before wasting your time."

Then kudos you're breaking all sorts of records there.

Sheldon's picture
His favourites in order are

His favourites in order are

1) lie
2) ignore
3) avoid
4) type lol for no particular reason
5) tell everyone he doesn't care about evidence.

I think he has a strange view of debate. but then again he recently claimed he doesn't disagree with people? My all time favourite though has to be him implying you can only know if someone is lying, either by being clairvoyant or if they tell you they are lying. What's he claim to be a student of again?

TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I hardly ever think of heaven

I hardly ever think of heaven or hell.

Progress of a kind.

Dave Matson's picture


What if atheists are right?

You would have missed an opportunity to discover an important truth.

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
If they are right then it

If they are right then it will be by independent means, making them unnecessary.

CyberLN's picture
If no true xtian supports

If no true xtian supports violence, does violence then belong only to their gods? After all, they’ve engaged in quite a bit of it.

David Killens's picture
Rasster, you need to provide

Rasster, you need to provide us with your definition of "true christian".

And this is where your train runs off the tracks.

LogicFTW's picture
How about no true christian

How about no true christian would support violence to themselves?

I bet that one would be true ;)

Also excellent and powerful points brought up by everyone that already replied and beat me to the points I wanted to bring up.

Sky Pilot's picture


"How about no true christian would support violence to themselves?"

According to Yeshua a true believer (true Christian) will cut off his arm and gouge out his eyes rather than to sin and cause him to go to the lake of fire.

Matthew 5:29-30 (Voice) = "29 If your right eye leads you into sin, gouge it out and throw it in the garbage—for better you lose one part of your body than march your entire body through the gates of sin and into hell. 30 And if your right hand leads you into sin, cut it off and throw it away—for better you lose one part of your body than march your entire body through the gates of sin and into hell."

It's obvious that countless Catholic priests are not true Christians.

LogicFTW's picture
I should not be surprised,

I should not be surprised, but here I am surprised, the bible even suggests serious self harm to gain entry in the zero evidence afterlife judgement.

I am still to this day surprised by just how insane the various religious text are.

Sheldon's picture
Your premise rather demands

Your premise rather demands that real christians obey the bible absolutely, and given how contradictory it is that's impossible. Do you think slavery is ever moral? Jesus clearly did according to the bible, so would a true christian keep slaves? Do you think unruly children should be taken to the edge of town and stoned? The bible says they should.

Yes christians can be violent, that's axiomatic, and subjective arguments that they are bad examples of Christianity are not very compelling, setting an arbitrary standard that christians can't be violent by definition is however the very definition of The No True Scotsman fallacy. Hitler was a christian, being a christian was a mandatory requirement for entry into the German SS. Nearly all the countries involved in two world wars were christian. The Crusades, the Inquisition, the 30 year war, and on and on and on, it;s asinine to argue christians aren't violent.

xenoview's picture
Have you even read your bible

Have you even read your bible? It is full of violence. God commits violence and commands it. Your to blind to see your own fallacy.

watchman's picture
"No true Christian supports

"No true Christian supports violence" is NOT a no true Scotsman...."

Interesting perspective you've got there …… of course you could test it out...…

You could stand on the peace line in Belfast (Northern Ireland) and expound your idea …..

of course telling the "Papist" supporters of the republican movement and the "prod" (protestant) supporters of the unionist movement that they are not true Christians might have the effect of shortening your life expectancy to nano seconds.

Oh ….. and I would think twice before mentioning "Scotsmen" too.

TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
So for clarification, I

So for clarification, I imagine all of the vicars, bishops, cardinals and so fourth, that committed sex crimes on minors are not true Christians?

Would this also apply to the entire religious hierarchy that covered it up and still will not bring the accused to justice?

Sheldon's picture
The real hilarity is that if

The real hilarity is that if his assertion were true, then only fake christians would be left, as they'd have killed off all the real ones who would by definition be defenceless. Especially when you consider the long bloody and violent history of the christian religion against other christians they considered heretics.

The claim is too obviously silly to give any credence to. Though I suspect this is another drive by apologist.

Sheldon's picture
""No true Christian supports

""No true Christian supports violence" 

Are you saying Jesus wasn't a true Christian? Didn't he use violence to drive money lenders from the temple? Didn't your deity encourage the Israelites to use violence again and again?

Sky Pilot's picture


"Are you saying Jesus wasn't a true Christian?"

Technically Yeshua wasn't a Christian because Christianity was started by Paul and Barnabas in Antioch (Acts 11:26). Yeshua was an observant Jew.

Sheldon's picture
Good point, but most

Good point, but most christians I believe view him as the first christian. I know it's pretty hilarious reasoning, but the whole package requires mental gymnastics to stem the tsunami of cognitive dissonance that ensue when you try to make sense of it.

Kataclismic's picture
Yeah well, no true Catholic

Yeah well, no true Catholic will expose sex crimes either. -_-


Sky Pilot's picture


"Yeah well, no true Catholic will expose sex crimes either. -_-"

According to the biblical fairy tale, Revelation 22:15, they will all be excluded from the golden cube =

Revelation 22:15 (Voice) = "15 The dogs, the sorcerers, those who commit immoral acts, the murderers, the idolaters, and all who love and practice deception must remain outside the gates for all eternity."

Will they still act religious in such circumstances?

Sheldon's picture
Ouch, very good post though.

Ouch, very good post though.

Love your avatar by the way, used to breed Hamsters when I was a kid.

Sky Pilot's picture
""No true Christian supports

""No true Christian supports violence"

According to 1 Corinthians 5:5 (CEV) true Christians are supposed to turn evil people over to Satan so that he can destroy them = "You must then hand that man over to Satan. His body will be destroyed, but his spirit will be saved when the Lord Jesus returns."

Dave Matson's picture
You are simply defining

You are simply defining Christians that support violence out of existence! Your statement, then, that real Christians don't support violence becomes trivial and useless. You can't praise the Christian doctrine on that account because only people who reject violence (and accept the other Christian doctrines) are accepted. There is no causal connection without begging the question.

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Well duh; if Christians that

Well duh; if Christians that support violence are not true Christians, then of course you'll have to define them out of existence. If wafers are not real cookies, then the definition of a cookie should exclude wafers.

arakish's picture
Here is a thought.

Here is a thought.

The only reason the New Testament was written, and explaining why it was written by so many different persons, is because an off-shoot sect of Hebrews realized they fucked up trying to use fear and violence to enslave the populace. Thus, they got together and wrote a story that is like a Tootsie Roll Pop. All sweet and great tasting on the outside until you get to that nasty shitty center.

BTW: Yes, I hate Tootsie Rolls. Fucking nasty. They taste like a Hershey Bar that left a shit.


arakish's picture
And here is another thought.

And here is another thought.

There is a very good reason Christians cannot smell the stench of the bullshit that is in the Bible. Because they are full of it.



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