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toto974's picture
So you look forward to one
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense's picture
What church do you belong to?
toto974's picture
I would say the DoomsDay Cult
xenoview's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
Foe4500's picture
No bro I look forward to the
toto974's picture
So as long as you are able to
Foe4500's picture
Stop trying to get me to play
CyberLN's picture
Foe, I’m curious, why are you
toto974's picture
I am not playing, i just want
Foe4500's picture
Here to set the record
CyberLN's picture
So, Foe, are you saying you
xenoview's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
Foe4500's picture
Yes I’m here to debate. To
xenoview's picture
Then start the debate.
Foe4500's picture
Who is God of this Earth?
Sapporo's picture
Foe45: Who is God of this
xenoview's picture
There is no god of the earth.
Foe4500's picture
I mean “who moderates the
Sapporo's picture
Foe45: I mean “who moderates
xenoview's picture
Is your moderator god?
Foe4500's picture
You’re trying to derail the
Sapporo's picture
Foe45: You’re trying to
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense's picture
I'd rather not waste my time.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Yep, it's new age bullshit.
xenoview's picture
You have made the claims
arakish's picture
@ Foe45
xenoview's picture
I apply xenoview's razor to
arakish's picture
And adding, I apply all the


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