The Omnipotence paradox.

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Randomhero1982's picture
The Omnipotence paradox.

I'm not sure if this question has been asked already as I'm fairly new to the forum... but has any theist or can any theist answer the Omnipotence paradox?

This is essentially that theistic gods are supposedly omnipotent, wielding ultimate power!

With that said, could God create a rock so heavy, that he couldn't lift it himself?

If he can create it and therefore not be able to lift it, he is not omnipotent...

If he cannot create it then by default he is not omnipotent.

It could therefore be asserted that this would be a logical impossibility.


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mykcob4's picture
Yes, that is the imperative.
cnr5134's picture
God is omnipotent. What the
CyberLN's picture
Caitlin, what evidence to you
cnr5134's picture
I'm honestly not exactly sure
CyberLN's picture
" is known that a
cnr5134's picture
People of religion
CyberLN's picture
Which religion? There are,
cnr5134's picture
xenoview's picture
cnr5134's picture
I believe in God because I
xenoview's picture
Human race is not divinely
cnr5134's picture
Why do you say it is not
xenoview's picture
Humans wrote the bible,
mykcob4's picture
No, Caitlin, you don't get to
cnr5134's picture
What I'm saying is God is
Sky Pilot's picture
Randomhero1982's picture
A question then regarding a
cnr5134's picture
I am not sure what the
mykcob4's picture
No, Caitlin, there is no such
Nyarlathotep's picture
Right; if god is omnipotent;
cnr5134's picture
God is all powerful and
Nyarlathotep's picture
You can repeat that as many
cnr5134's picture
Please exaplain, I don't see
LogicFTW's picture
Look up the definition of
cnr5134's picture
Sorry I still do not see it.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Caitlin - Sorry I still do
jonthecatholic's picture
He does know everything.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jon the Catholic - but you
Peripatetic's picture
he knows what you are going
Nyarlathotep's picture
he can not know that you'll


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