presidential candidates

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mykcob4's picture
presidential candidates

I know that people can be extremely fired up when it comes to politics, especially presidential politics and elections. Seems to me that churches gin up the base for the conservatives as they seem the most adamant over their candidates. They even resort to violence.
When talking to an evangelical recently, she told me that she was a single issue voter. I asked what issue was that then and she replied...abortion. Well duh, I thought. Then I wondered how people could be limited to one issue. So I decided to look at each candidate closer.

1) John Kasich. Yes he has a record as governor and it's a bad one. In every single session he tried to push through state legislation that ends not only abortion, but women's rights altogether. He is a big corporate wank as he has hurt small business and given big corps perks like no enforcement of labor laws and on environmental issues. BTW Fracking is unregulated in Ohio thanks to Kasich.

2) Ted Cruz. Well he is a windbag if ever I've heard one. Cruz's father runs an evangelical ministry that left Canada because of unpaid taxes. Basically he misappropriated funds and didn't pay income tax when he did so. Cruz claims to be a Constitutional expert, but what he really is , is a Constitutional spin master, corrupting the spirit of the law to suit his own agenda. Plus his voice and mannerisms just grate on my nerves!

3) Donald Trump. The only man that could take 8 billion and in 40 years turn it into less than 1 billion. He uses illegal workers and abuses and mistreats those workers. He is in probate and bankruptcy court constantly. I have never seen someone so divisive in my entire life. He is basically a self entitled egomaniac that takes no responsibility for his actions.

4) Bernie Sanders. I like Bernie. I think is motivated to help everyone and anyone. I don't think he can help anyone because he is too unrealistic. He makes a great Senator but I don't think he would be an effective as a president.

5) Hillary Clinton. Maybe I'm the only one that thinks so but she is the only one talking about substance. The only one that addressing issues...realistic issues.

I think what I am saying is that we cannot elect any of the three nutcases on the republican side of the aisle, and if we want the president to be effective we have to go with Hillary.
It is imperative that the Dems regain control of the Senate, keep the numbers about the same in the House or even better win the house and win the Whitehouse. Then we can get the government working again. Then we can blast through the conservatives bogging down the government and preventing anything from getting done.
As for the candidates that have dropped out, I don't see any of them as a better choice than exist right now.
So let's see what you have to say. I won't attack you personally, you are entitled to your opinion...not self-entitled.

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chimp3's picture
I am one in a million. A

I am one in a million. A member of the 1-2% who will vote libertarian . Not only can we not get a spot in the national debates but can't even merit a spot in mykckob4's debate.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
It is funny to see how

It is funny to see how effective the propaganda is in the politics game.

seriously, now you get people losing their vote rights to get the system working instead of changing the system altogether.

The system does not work and it needs to change, it is not the republicans fault.

Sorting the votes to get the system to work is not a solution but a patch that is like a knife in the back for those who actually are working hard to change the system.

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
our votes don't matter.

our votes don't matter. there probably will be a brokered convention, and the GOP will choose who you vote for

mykcob4's picture
Your votes do matter despite

Your votes do matter despite a general consensus. The republicans have done everything they can to corrupt the system. From gerrymandering districts, to suppressing access to voting, republicans have done so because they know that a fair election with a large turn out will not get them wins.
Your individual rights are at stake. The Supreme court is in play here. Religious zealots and extremist rightwingers are politicizing the court. They are blocking Obama's nominee even though He has chosen a non political very reasonable moderate candidate. McConnell says they won't even consider anything by Obama. For the last 7+ years the Senate have been slow or just have completely obstructed every single nominee by this president. It's racist and down right criminal.
Let's take a look at what is in play.
1) Roe v. Wade. The red states have all enacted unconstitutional laws to end women's health. These laws are before the court and pending. It's obvious that they are unconstitutional but with a SCOTUS that has been political and conservative for 40 years they exist and oppressively deny women's individual constitutional rights.
2) Reasonable gun regulation. There is nothing in the constitution that restricts or bars gun regulation, and never has been yet the NRA has run roughshod over the legislature and the courts.
3) Prayer in school. The extremest religious right want to force their religion on everyone, essential brainwashing your children. They want every government building to institutionalize their belief system with symbolism and idolatry.
4) Campaign finance. The court unconstitutionally and wrongly allowed a law that gave individual rights status to super pacs.
All these things are in play. It is imperative that the court becomes the standard bearer of the constitution and only the constitution not a politically motivated arm of the religious and conservative. Conservatism and religiosity suppress individual rights and freedom of will.
Scalia was a political wonk that cared nothing for the rights of the individual as are Thomas, Alito, Roberts and Kennedy.
5) Workers rights. The SCOTUS has suppressed workers rights to collectively bargain which is the only tool to fight exploitation by the powerful corporations.
6) Finance Reform. The Bush administration gutted the Glass-Steagall Act which cause predatory loans and caused the biggest economic meltdown since the Great Depression.
If we elect people to the House and Senate and oust the Tea Party nutcase, Congress could move forward and actually function. It is clear that the republicans have been nothing more than obstructionist. The Tea party would love for the Federal Government to just collapse. Well we fought the Civil War and the Union won. The Fed isn't the enemy, it's the answer. Without it there would be slavery, exploited workers including child slave labor, monopolies, Flint Michigans in every major city, and even more unthinkable atrocities.
As for Libertarians, I can't include them as they haven't mounted a strong candidate. They have become a minor marginalized part of the republican party. There are some 200+ national political parties and only 2 have enough support to actually matter. That is why Bernie Sanders is running as a Democrat and not as a Green Party or Independent.
This nation is center left by registered voters. If you broke down the states even Texas would be a Blue state if it had not been gerrymandered by Tom Delay. Florida, Ohio, New Jersey, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Texas, Idaho, Missouri, Louisiana, Minnesota, Arkansas, North Carolina, have all been strategically gerrymandered. They were redistricted without use of the Census and in non-census years. All the redistricting was done for the advantage of the republican party. Most of which was financed by the Koch brothers. This gave rise to the tea party and it's extremist uncooperative platform. They are nothing more than "States Rights" advocates. They are bring this nation down. They are forcing extreme christianity on everyone, and dividing this nation.

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