Primordial Dichotomous Dipole Inference Theorem

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jeevion's picture
Primordial Dichotomous Dipole Inference Theorem

UPDATED: image of LORI

I have constructed a thought experiment demonstrating that "BELIEF"-in-and-of-itself is the root of any/all IGNORANCE/SUFFERING. If followed and understood, it will highlight the POI (point of entry) whence any/all human suffering (as to be found: due to "BELIEF"-based ignorance). This should be welcomed news for atheists that do not "BELIEVE" in any god/deity.

It challenges the philosophical assertion:

"All knowing is belief, but not all belief is knowing."

The Relative Intra-Inference Problem (TRIIP)
Begin with nothingness.
Let any universe exist - if so willing, use the existing one. Designate it as 'that'.
Let any being 'I' exist in/of 'that'.

'that' is absolutely *unknown*, and
if 'I' is also *unknown* unto/by itself (hence: I?)
it can *not* be inferred by 'I?'
LAW of RELATIVE-RECIPROCAL INFERENCE (LORI): one can not infer an *unknown* from/by another *unknown*.

Two options:
1. 'I' becomes *known* to infer 'that', or (and thus)
2. 'that' becomes *known* to infer 'I' (ad infinitum) until both are fully *known* (whichever comes first).
LORI: if/when any *unknown* is assigned a characteristic(s), it can be used to (try to) infer the other (and vice versa).

Let the being 'I?' remain *unknown*.
Let 'that' remain *unknown* less a fixed arbitrary Primordial Dichotomous Dipole
(ie. yang/yin, good/evil, light/dark, right/wrong etc.)
and designate simply as (8) to highlight the two polarities.


Now TRY:
(8) as GOOD/EVIL using LORI:

definition needed: SATAN
The Hebrew root S-T-N (satan) renders thus:
shin: psychology/emotions/actions (in/as one conjunct expression)
tet: bind; enclosure (being bound to/by)
nun (final): indefinitely (ongoing state)

"Any/all expression(s) of being indefinitely BOUND (ie. to "believe" in/of something unreal and/or untrue)."

-Are there any *fixed* characteristics of either that can be used to infer the other? Of any/all god(s) or satan?
-What must certainly distinguish good (ie. god) from evil (ie. satan)? What is the POI (point of insertion)?
-*What would so-called satan *require* would that *any* "BELIEVER" "BELIEVE" that evil is good (without the need to define them)?
(The answer is in the question!!)

Now INJECT "belief" into 8:

-what is the *reciprocal* of BELIEF?
-what belief is to satan, (?) is to god...?
-is there anything that negates belief?
-what would be needed/required to somehow KNOW how to tell any/all what *not* to BELIEVE in case of satan?
(The answer is in the question!!)


back to LORI:
What BELIEF is to SATAN (required to confuse so-called evil/good).
KNOWLEDGE is to GOD (required to reconcile so-called evil/good).

back to our universe:

back to LORI and applying these to (I?):
I KNOW...?
(two Edenic trees and/or halves of yang/yin)

-what is the relationship between KNOWLEDGE and BELIEF?
-would ALL-KNOWING necessarily indicate any/all *not* to "BELIEVE"?
-does ANY of this beg for inferring a *real* GOD and/or SATAN (nope), or just KNOWLEDGE and (of) BELIEF-BASED IGNORANCE? (yup)

I BELIEVE...........vv
^^(*what not to*)<<< *

and the one that defeats any/all "BELIEF"-based theology:

If so-called satan *requires* BELIEF, who are they who are so willing to BELIEVE?

Argumentation to support:

P1. "BELIEF" (ie. state of) certainly exists.
P2. "KNOWLEDGE" as (it pertains) to: any/all who/what/where/why/when/how and/or if *not* to "BELIEVE" certainly exists by way of falsification (ie. trying).
C. "KNOWLEDGE" can certainly be distinct from (despite having been possibly attained by way of trying for their falsifiability) any/all "BELIEF(S)".

which challenges the (as I understand) currently-held philosophical position:

......"All knowing is belief, but not all belief is knowing."

as being ***ABSOLUTELY ABSURD***. The above thought experiment renders:

......"Any/all KNOWING is by way of indefinitely consciously trying BELIEF, but
......not any/all BELIEF is by way of indefinitely consciously trying to KNOW all.

And this defeats any/all "belief"-based theism which regards BELIEF>KNOWLEDGE (backwards).

P1. "BELIEF"-based ignorance(s) certainly exist would that any/all "BELIEVERS" "BELIEVE" (manifestly) what *is*, is not, and/or what *is not*, is (ie. CONFUSION).

P2. "KNOWLEDGE" as (it pertains) to: who/what/where/why/when/how and/or if *not* to "BELIEVE" certainly exists by way of falsification (ie. trying).

P3. "ALL-KNOWING" (ie. state of) must certainly be absent any/all "BELIEF"-based IGNORANCE(s) (ie. all-*not*-to-"BELIEVE"-in).

C. "BELIEF"(-based ignorance) and 'KNOWLEDGE' are certainly ANTITHETICALLY DICHOTOMOUS wherein:

the latter can be indefinitely pursued/acquired (ie. "AC"KNOWLEDGE"D") by (way of definitely trying) the former indefinitely until rendered obsolete and/or absolutely IMPOTENT.


P1. Knowledge (ie. 'knowing') is certainly made attainable and/or practical by way of use of the (con)science(s).
P2. Knowing (how) to consciously falsify (ie. try/test) belief(s) for ignorance (ie. to consciously 'know' *if not* to believe) certainly exists and is definitely a (kind of) knowledge-in-and-of-itself.
P3. Any/all 'belief'-based ignorance(s) exist(s) in, as, of and/or by way of belief-in-and-of-itself.
C1. All-knowing is definitely approached by indefinitely trying to consciously falsify any/all "belief(s)" indefinitely (ad infinitum).

BELIEF-in-and-of-itself would certainly be required
to CONFUSE the poles of any dichotomous dipole,
(including good/evil, should they exist).

and viz.:
If (there is a/any all-knowing) GOD(s) and/or deities, they would certainly KNOW of BELIEF-in-and-of-itself to be:
i. fundamentally required, would that UNKNOWING BELIEVERS BELIEVE 'BELIEF' is an immutable VIRTUE (ie. "good" if present/"evil" if absent in self ***AND/OR OTHERS***).
ii. fundamentally required, would that BELIEVERS BELIEVE EVIL is GOOD (equivalent: so-called satan is god).
iii. fundamentally NULLIFIED in/by any/all ALL-KNOWING 'state' by having falsified any/all "BELIEF(S)"


So this can all be summarized in a single statement:

"All-KNOWING is by way of (indefinitely) consciously TRYING BELIEF, but
not all BELIEF is by way of (indefinitely) TRYING to consciously KNOW all."
This is the pragmatically practical (ie. non-belief-based) TRUTH/WAY/LIFE:

TRUTH: falsification/negation of any/all BELIEF-BASED IGNORANCE
WAY: trying consciously
LIFE: turning "belief"-based IGNORANCE into KNOWLEDGE (indefinitely)

which defeats the philosophical assertion:

"All knowing is belief, but not all belief is knowing."

And can be used either as a political framework/platform and/or establishes a workable global model (if adopted) definitely trending indefinitely towards PEACE rather than WAR.

I am A Gnostic Agnostic
What I know I know
What I do not know I do not know
I know to TRY, to TEST, to FALSIFY any/all BELIEF
I do not know how so many are so willing to BELIEVE.

(tree of living)
I BELIEVE...........vv
^^(*what not to*)<<< *
(tree of good/evil)

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Let me fix that for you:
jeevion's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
A Gnostic Agnostic - ^shill
jeevion's picture
Not a whom - behavioral
xenoview's picture
@a gnostic agnostic
Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP
Grinseed's picture
Heresy! Repent Brother Tin!
Tin-Man's picture
@Grinseed Re: "..."the Horn
Sheldon's picture
Tin-Man "I hate to disagree
Grinseed's picture
Typical nursery rhyme
boomer47's picture
@Agnostic gnostic;

@Agnostic gnostic;

There seems to be a misunderstanding. IE that it's OK to replace 'preach' at with 'lecture ' . It ai'n't

I have the perhaps unworthy thought that you have not actually ever been taught critical thinking or logic. Your post is very undisciplined and hard to follow .Sorry to say that I gave up before the half way mark.

Perhaps try reducing the size of each post by about 80% ,or more.

Cognostic's picture
@cranky47: "Your post is

@cranky47: "Your post is very undisciplined and hard to follow."
A very polite way of telling you that it is so frigging vague no one could make any sense out of it.. Your last post could pass for the inane ramblings of an alcoholic in the last hours of a sleepless three day binge.

Grinseed's picture
The end of 'believer
CyberLN's picture
Gnostic Agnostic, you wrote,

Gnostic Agnostic, you wrote, “I have constructed a thought experiment demonstrating that "BELIEF"-in-and-of-itself is the root of any/all IGNORANCE/SUFFERING. If followed and understood, it will highlight the POI (point of entry) whence any/all human suffering (as to be found: due to "BELIEF"-based ignorance).”

Really? Any/all suffering? That sure sounds like complete bupkus to me.

What about folks who are suffering from painful medical conditions? What about folks who are suffering from the loss of a loved one? What about folks who are suffering from starvation? What is it that they all *believe* that causes them this suffering?

chimp3's picture
"It is my firm belief that it
jeevion's picture
**RE: @Agnostic gnostic;
xenoview's picture
TLDR Word salad much?
Randomhero1982's picture
Yes, need a state!
Nyarlathotep's picture
fucking word salad shooters
David Killens's picture
Pew pew pew ... pew pew

Pew pew pew ... pew pew

Pew pew pew ... pew pew

NewSkeptic's picture
Two bits for anyone that can
Nyarlathotep's picture
NewSkeptic - Two bits for
Cognostic's picture
@NewSkeptic: READ IT?
Tin-Man's picture
@NewSkeptic Re: "Two bits
NewSkeptic's picture
Sheldon's picture
Gnostic Agnostic, “I have
jeevion's picture
Cognostic's picture
@A Gnostic Agnostic: I AM
Randomhero1982's picture
BOLLOCKS(3) by WAY(2) of
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
*snorkle, glumpph, grinkle..


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