The Problem with Epistemology

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arakish's picture
The Problem with Epistemology

I have seen this term thrown around by many theists who have visited these boards. And all I hear is a bunch of whiney-ass pleas about why it is not accepted here. Well...

1) the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope

  • Knowledge is fine as long as it has followed and passed the Scientific Method.
  • Method only if it is the Scientific one.
  • Validity only if it is testable and capable of being falsified.
  • Scope only as long as it is reality.

2) the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.

  • Justified Belief — is nothing more than a fancy term for faith. It attempts to understand the justification of propositions and beliefs. In other words a fanciful synonym for Religious Apologetics.
  • Opinion a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Everyone has one.

Only definition 1 would be acceptable with the listed stipulations.


P.S. — OK. JoC and Calhais, have at it... Y'all are the only ones here with a lot to say...

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jonthecatholic's picture
“Knowledge is fine as long as
Nyarlathotep's picture
JoC - Please prove the
jonthecatholic's picture
Fair enough. Replace “Prove”
calhais's picture
Unless proof is defined
calhais's picture
Alternately, proving these
Dave Matson's picture
jonthecatholic's picture
Okay. That's not what I'm
arakish's picture
What I am questioning is the
jonthecatholic's picture
Actually, the OP has stated
arakish's picture
Thus I guess if I said the
jonthecatholic's picture
Is that what I said? All I
Sheldon's picture
"What I am questioning is the
jonthecatholic's picture
Here's the thing. My
Sheldon's picture
"However, these other fields
Apollo's picture
JoC, you make good points.
Sheldon's picture
The scientific method needs
Apollo's picture
don't really buy this. for
calhais's picture
I may have a lot to say, but
Thinker's picture
is that not by definition
Sapporo's picture
The scientific method is
jonthecatholic's picture
Did you use the scientific
Sapporo's picture
JoC: Did you use the
jonthecatholic's picture
Well, actually, I'd agree
Sapporo's picture
“I believe that a scientist
calhais's picture
Do you have anything of
calhais's picture
That isn't a helpful way to
Sapporo's picture
calais: That isn't a helpful
calhais's picture
I mean that one-liners aren't
Sapporo's picture
calhais's picture
calhais's picture
You response to JoC's


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