Proof God Exists

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Cognostic's picture
DAN: Why do you bother.
Devans99's picture
I am an amateur metaphysician
arakish's picture
@ Dan Keyword: amateur. rmfr
Nyarlathotep's picture
LOL, yeah it's like being a
Sheldon's picture
"Metaphysics has many
David Killens's picture
Keep it up Dan, and for only
arakish's picture
Funny thing is that none of
LogicFTW's picture
David Killens's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Ladies and gentlemen, for
David Killens's picture
Thanks Tin-Man. After reading
arakish's picture
Great song Tin-Man.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, Old Man, try this one.
Grinseed's picture
Of course for a more
Fallen's picture
Once again god retreats to
noreason's picture
saying "something" probably
David Killens's picture
arakish's picture
@ Dan
arakish's picture
Well, I do know one thing.
arakish's picture
@ Dan
Sheldon's picture
A cynic might observe that
Cognostic's picture
DAN: Do you understand what
Kataclismic's picture
arakish's picture
Hey Kataclismic, where the
Grinseed's picture
Where did that disagree come
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Grinseed
Sheldon's picture
Funny, but I suspect true as
arakish's picture
Grinseed: "Where did that
Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: Disagrees and


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