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Then please explain which of the myriad of gods am I meant to search for? Obviously you have your own god which i relevant to only your "experience". Which one(or multiples thereof) do the rest of us search for? Or allow into our hearts? (What is god some sort of parasite?...into my heart...eeeew...I like it pumping my blood thanks. )
" It's up to them to remove the block. God won't force His Love on you. What kind of love would that be?" And your evidence of this....?????
It seems that once again you are very good at repeating essentially meaningless phrases in the hope that some endorphins will calm you...long on flowery phrases and short on facts..
@Old man shouts ...
"It's up to them to remove the block. God won't force His Love on you. What kind of love would that be?" And your evidence of this....??"
We don't want to know God. Because that implies that we must do it His way, not ours. It's far easier to say He doesn't exist. It seems to be hard to say that you don't want to know God by becoming willing to seek your own humble expectation free experience for as long as it takes. Chew this up all you want. This is the crux. You don't want to know God.
@ Great hope
"You don't want to know God."
After many pages on this thread, you go to this blatant lie. I am done with your hypocrisy, arrogance and wilful ignorance.
If your god turns one into this kind of despicable person, I do not want anything to do with this deity.
@ David Killens
Yup, that's it. That's all I got. It's the crux. At some point you became unwilling. You just said so yourself.
@" I do not want anything to do with this deity"
@ Great hope
More dishonesty. I gave a specific reason.
For example, if your deity demanded that you kill and eat your mother, would you do it, or reject such a ridiculous and immoral god?
Rational people do, or do not do things for reason.
Old man shouts...,
"If you want your proof and evidence for the authority for deity? Get you nose out of a book and eyes off the internet." -- Great Hope
Sounds like a prescription for joining a dangerous cult!
Don't they all love to cut one off from any critical outside knowledge, from any competing ideas, from serious thinking itself? Then they run you around till your brains are mushy and ready to soak up all that woo.
If you do want to know God? Then everything you learn will lead to personal experiences. No cult needed. Because you don't want to know God. Everything you learn will take you away from that experience. Just say you don't want to know God and move along.
@ GH
Ah, repetition, the last refuge of the discredited theist.
You have no proof, only empty exhortation, and yet you want us, rational thinking beings, to join your idiotic fantasy and rush lemming like over the cliff of inexplicable woo.
Admit it, you don't like reality. You have no evidence for one of your assertions.
You, like all the other woo merchants will be off soon to ply your snake oil to the truly desperate...and we will never hear from you again.
You see how sad you entire life has become?
@Old man shouts ...
This is of no benefit to me. I've grown very fond of our conversations. So it saddens me to have come to this conclusion. This message is not my own. It's not for my gain. My life has been a journey of experience. Not head knowledge. Like I said before, I could summon God on command, and it still wouldn't be enough for you. Simply because you don't want to know God. Or do you?
@Great hope
Prove this god exists. Don't just exhort, provide something more than brainless cheer leading.
@GH saddens you? I thought maybe we had someone who would come out of their stupor and actually respond to humanity.
"I can summon god on command" E>V>I>D>E>N>C>E Summon it , we will examine your evidence.
Here is my position. "I do not believe you."
What is not evidence:
Personal revelation/testimony without corroboration
A book, relying on passages in that book for ratification
Woo, of any verbal or pictorial description.
That leaves you out there like a delusional shag on a rock.
Now. You have no evidence, no idea of which god or gods you want us to "summon" or allow into/to possess our flesh and blood frames...and you want us to splash in your kiddy pool of fucking carbonated secondhand woo?
Evidence please or sort out this well know phrase: "Off fuck".
If you want to discuss the bible, its origins and early christians I am at your service.
@Old man shouts ...
This just showed up in my notifications. Frank turek is a name you might know. He just posted this video today. I really don't know if coincidence is some random mystical force or not. It's less than 4 minutes. Please watch it and tell me where he is incorrect?
Watch "4 Reasons Why Christianity is True" on YouTube
@ GH
"Watch "4 Reasons Why Christianity is True" on YouTube"
Hahahahahahahahha oh my...I haven't laughed so much since granny fell down the well...oh mate. You seriously crack me up! This YouTube idiot has All the intellectual rigour of a wilted lettuce. all the historical integrity of the little house on the prairie...oh LOL...seriously? You watch this guff and take it on board without any research? SERIOUSLY?...oh my..."You have to have more faith it didn't occur than it did" oh, excuse me while I wipe down me trouser legs.
*still giggling*
10 minutes later *still giggling*
Oh dear, look if you take this kind of utter shit seriously then wave your brain bye bye. If you want to know why its crap ask me questions. If you don't, back you go to la la land.
*still giggling*
TM and Arakish and Cog you should watch that video...bwahahahhaha....priceless....The simpletons guide to confirmation bias...*still giggling*
Lol I thought you might have heard of him.; )
@Old Man Re: 4 Reasons vid clip
What....What the...?....*corner of eye twitching*.... H-h-h-hooooow was any of that babbling nonsense suppose to be convincing in any way, shape, or form?......*corner of mouth starting to twitch*.... head around..... *drooling from corner of mouth*.... Since when did all atheists start believing the universe popped into existence out of nothing? Did I miss the memo?....*wiping drool from chin*..... And if thruth is true because if it were not true then what we all think would not be the truth, thereby making truth untrue, then how do we not know the truth that we believe is either true or untrue?....*more eye twitching*..... And there are people out there who actually fall for that stuff?.....*blank stare*.....I'm gonna go curl up in the corner and quietly sob myself to sleep now....*grabs blankie and teddy bear and walks out of room*....
Old Man,
You owe me a bottle of wine for watching that one...
Well #2 (space, matter, and time had a beginning out of nothing). No one knows if that is true. Also notice how he sneaks in the postulates that the creator must be "powerful, personal, and intelligent".
#3 Here he tells us that God created the universe out of nothing. Well if god is the cause of the universe (as the apologists love to tell us) that ain't nothing (unless they believe their god is nothing, lol).
#4 Here he argues that the Jewish authors wouldn't make shit up about Jesus because they were Jewish. He seems to forget that Christianity is just a fork of Judaism; the fork that thinks Jesus fulfilled old testament prophecy, that Jesus is Immanuel.
He is a snake oil salesman; perhaps not as bad as most.
@ old man
I hope your keyboard didn't get too much milk on it. Lol
Ive never seen someone convey such emotions using astricts. You're too much lol *blink blink blink*
Even I noticed those first 2. I want to like the guy, for I believe that he genuinely cares for people. But for having spent so much of his life on this matter. I want to know why he doesn't use more concrete stuff? I guess this is going to be my work. The best knowledge I have, of someone searching as hard as y'all. Is the Chief Editor of the Chicago Tribune Lee Strobel. He spent the better half of a decade and his career to set out to disprove Christ. His book "Case for Christ" is a short read. They actually made a movie, that played in theaters, about this book, after it's sold 10 million copies. It's been years since I read it. So maybe you can join me as I read it again. Lee Strobel job for years was to disprove Christ. He had every resource and motive to disprove. Yet he came out believing because of the overwhelming evidence that he found ( that I don't have... Yet). After years of evidence that most poeple with out a press release, can access. I hope you'll join me, and we'll discuss our findings in a few weeks on a new thread. I got to meet Lee Strobel about 6 years ago. Real stubborn guy lol. But pleasant.
Seriously, thank you for your time. I've learned so much
Watch "4 Reasons Why Christianity is True" on YouTube
Great Hope,
Are you kidding? Are you purposefully trying to make a joke? Well, you did.
His questions with my notes.
1) Does truth exist? Does lies exist?
2) Does god exist? Does no god exist? And you already know is doing but spewing bullshit when he says, "Even atheists admit that space — matter — time began from nothing." There is NO ONE person, excepting Religious Absolutists, who say this. NOT ONE!
3) Are miracles possible? From a certain point of view yes. However, every last miracle allowed to be scientifically investigated have shown that there was a natural cause for the occurence. When it occurs, it can appear to be a miracle; however, properly investigated, it is not.
4) Is the NT reliable enough to show us that Jesus arose from the dead? No. There is absolutely no evidence that such a thing is possible. Once dead, always dead. No Jew ever wrote any of the Gospels. All four of the gospels show they were written by more than one person. Mark has been shown to have been written by three different persons. Mattthew by at least two different persons. Luke by up to three different persons. John by at least two different persons. And they were all written by Greeks in Greek. Then this bullshit statement, "It requires more faith to believe the resurrection did NOT happen than it does to believe it did happen." Actually, for me, it requires no faith to believe there is no evidence that Jesus ever existed, except for the Bible. You would think someone that important would have prove outside of the Bible. There is none. NOT ONE IOTA, JOT, or TITTLE.
Where in hell are my hip-waders? Next time, Great Hope, warn us when you want us to watch something that is going to spew so much diarrhea all over my floors.
@Arakish Re: "....there is no evidence that Jesus ever existed, except for the Bible."
*curled up in fetal position in corner*.....*looks over as thumb is pulled from mouth*....*bottom lip quivering*.... But...but...but the nice man on the video said there is an empty tomb....*eyes wide in awe*... I mean, imagine.... Somewhere..... out there.... in alllll the Middle East... there is.... one... lone.... EMPTY... tomb!.... *eyes filling with tears*.... How can anybody possibly argue with facts like THAT???....*thumb back in mouth*...*rolls back into fetal position*....
I may be wrong, but I don't thinkn Arakish believes the statement, but restating what others use as fact. Fundies will say that the bible is the evidence that god exists, and they will say it with a straight face.
Now quit that rolling on the ground and stand up like a good Tin Man should.
@Are you kidding? Are you purposefully trying to make a joke? Well, you did.
Lol I Love you guys. I knew y'all would like it.
@GH Re: "Lol I Love you guys. I knew y'all would like it."
*head snaps around from the corner*... Wait.... What?.....Whoa!...*pushing blankie aside*... You mean to tell me that video was just a big joke???.....*stands up quickly*....*still clutching teddy bear close to chest*... But that guy sounded SO CONVINCING!....*scratching head in puzzlement*.... So, basically, I've been curled up over here all this time worrying about nothing?....*glaring toward GH*....Gee, "thanks", dude.....*hands teddy bear to Arakish*....Here, hold Mr. Twinkles for me, please. I have to go take a massive piss.....*shuffles away quickly toward bathroom doing the pee-pee dance*.....
Well I knew y'all would like it. But, I was interested in what feedback I would get from it. I believe Frank turek is one of the top guys in athiest debates. But every time I check out his stuff, even I don't think he has enough concrete evidence. I kinda would like to ask him questions and Im not educated at all. His position comes from if the Bible is true. Not let's validate the Bible. I did just pop in my notifications, I watched it twice and knew y'all would have a field day with it. So I posted it lol. I hope your blanket isn't too wet and you don't get all rusty *blushing shy chuckles*
" even I don't think he has enough concrete evidence."
Or any evidence at all for his assertions, like yourself.
" His position comes from if the Bible is true. Not let's validate the Bible."
Which of course is an entirely false position. The "bible" is not "true", as can be verified at any time.
It is not an historical document. It is no a moral document. It is not a document of integrity (I.e numerous interpolations, rewritings, translations and falsifications)
Any assertions of factuality or morality in the bible can and are debunked. A false premise leads to a false conclusion. (Like yours)
I have offered several times to answer your questions and provide links to documents and reputable sources for my assertions...yet you seem fearful of letting go your convictions, even when proven utterly wrong.
Have a good life, I somehow think you will come to your senses one day and wonder why you wasted so much time believing a nonsense.
I think the quote is, 'The proof of the pudding is in the eating'. In other words one verifies the palatability by empirical evidence. Evidence is everything & probability is all that matters. Absence of evidence (where there should be evidence) IS evidence of absence.
"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence". Christopher Hitchens
"If you can't state your case simply, then you don't know enough". Albert Einstein
@ShaMan ← I see what you did there with your name :)
All excellent quotes.
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