A question for all theists

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HomunculusThor's picture
What do Christians think the
Pitar's picture
I've never understood how
HomunculusThor's picture
Seeing that this thread deals
science's picture
I saw an interview that
goodspear's picture
reality, I don't know who
goodspear's picture
reality, I don't know who
science's picture
Simple...just go to youtube
HomunculusThor's picture
Above correction: "which many
HomunculusThor's picture
Personally I want to see a
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'll bet 20 coolpoints on
cmallen's picture
No no no, he'll prove the
Nyarlathotep's picture
good point, is it too late to
Travis Hedglin's picture
I bet on neither, none of
ThePragmatic's picture
Never bet against someone who
Travis Hedglin's picture
Don't forget, our universe
Nyarlathotep's picture
Yep, if time is a function of
ThePragmatic's picture
science's picture
That is what makes me laugh.
Sunnyday's picture
Why does it matter that some
ThePragmatic's picture
I don't mean this to be
Sunnyday's picture
Not insulting. I agree with
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
If your bias is to rape
goodspear's picture
Hi SvanUlf, I am a Christian
cmallen's picture
"The Word of God speaks about
Nyarlathotep's picture
Ronda - "The Word of God
Nyarlathotep's picture
Ronda - "Jesus prays for
ThePragmatic's picture
"Jesus prays for those who


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