A question for all theists

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SvanUlf's picture
A question for all theists

I really love debating, so much so that I have on occasion defended a position I don't really believe in just for the fun of the discussion. Sadly enough, I've even won some of those debates so I've had to explain that it's not really my position and explain why the arguments I myself have used doesn't hold up... but when it comes to theism I just don't find ANY arguments that even come close to holding up to scrutiny.

So, my question for all theists is: Do you REALLY believe in all that (in my opinion) crap or do you just wish that you could believe it? I don't mean for this to be an insulting question and having lost my father two years ago I can certainly see why one would like to believe in a magical heaven where you can once again meet your loved ones... but wishing for something doesn't make it true so if that is your reason for "believing" it's not a very good one.

Like I said, this is not meant to be an insult, it's a sincere question and even if you find it a stupid one I hope you give honest answers.

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I can name three theistic
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argument 1:
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For SvanUlf:
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Yes, I do believe all that
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Okay :) That speaks for you
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*Sigh* The difficult thing
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"I also have a question...
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Oh, I know, but they have a


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