A question for all theists

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Ilovequestions's picture
You are a very good thinker :
Nyarlathotep's picture
Ilovequestions - "That is
Travis Hedglin's picture
"You are a very good thinker
science's picture
Ressurection??? WHERE IS THE
goodspear's picture
Hi reality, I read your post
cmallen's picture
"Did you know that when He
goodspear's picture
C.M. Allen
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Matthew 28-12-15
goodspear's picture
Jeff, I know that being
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I view you as being still
goodspear's picture
The thing is Jeff, I know
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Have you ever asked yourself
goodspear's picture
Jeff, the same God created
CyberLN's picture
cmallen's picture
She is exactly proselytizing.
Mitch's picture
Fortunately for us all,
CyberLN's picture
"Fortunately for us all,
Nyarlathotep's picture
The reason you can't prove
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You ignored the fact that in
ThePragmatic's picture
goodspear's picture
Hi Pragmatic,
ThePragmatic's picture
I said "Jesus said to keep
goodspear's picture
I am not praying on the
CyberLN's picture
And telling us all about it..
Nyarlathotep's picture
I would just add, telling us
ThePragmatic's picture
goodspear's picture
Oh sorry Pragmatic, I missed
science's picture
goodspear's picture
Hi Ilovequestions, I also
HomunculusThor's picture
In defense of Nyarlathotep, I


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