Quran & Water

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OblivionWalker111's picture
Quran & Water

So I found this on YouTube And I was hoping for further explanation



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LostLocke's picture
Here's a good part of the

Here's a good part of the explanation:

Randomhero1982's picture
By an open university doctor

By an open university doctor of 'alternative medicine'.....

On page 126 of the book, where writer Masaru Emoto notes that "sometimes fantasy is the best way to get a clear picture of reality."

No, not in science it is not! That is total crap...

This water theory is not supported by any scientific evidence whatsoever, and has never and will never be peer reviewed... its simply woo!

MCDennis's picture
So the water is transferred

So the water is transferred into crystalline shapes dictated by the god... right? Cool. Please provide proof that the god exists. Then provide proof that the god dictates the shape of snow flakes. Ready.... Set.... GO

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