Relatability... a good reason to believe in a creator

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kenny33's picture
Relatability... a good reason to believe in a creator

Hello everyone I hope everyone is safe during this global pandemic,

I dont want to make a big introduction so I will cut to the chase:

I am a person that believes in reason... if someone presents to me a set of options (a,b,c, etc..) and I have to choose one, I will choose the option with the highest chance of being correct (I guess it is common sense!)

Now for the question of "how does anything exist?" I find that the idea of a creator seems the most reasonable. why? because we experienced something similar, we humans have created various digital worlds ourselves, to our best knowledge this is the only way a world that follows certain rules and bound by specific constants can be built... now granted our digital worlds are not exactly like the real world but as I said this is the closest thing we can relate to...

Think in your daily lives and you will find that you always do this sort of reasoning.... lets say you were in a hurry and you need to cook something fast, you open the cupboard and find something looking like noodles, what will you do? probably cook it like normal noodles... why? because it looks like noodles and there is a good chance it is prepared the same way... you simply can relate it to something you know about..

Now if this creator made everything existing, how did he exist in the first place? well the answer is that he might be in a special category of "things"... meaning that he is a "thing" that needs no creator, he simply always existed....There are other hypothesizes as well which all seem to provide an answer to this problem

"But this is all speculations!" Yes exactly, everything is speculative but this is the only option we know of that has Empirical Relatability to us... which for now as things stand seems to have slightly higher chance of being correct than all other options..

Share your thoughts, I would like to know your opinions.

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Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP
kenny33's picture
Excuse me?
boomer47's picture
kenny33's picture
So you demand an empirical
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algebe's picture
Tin-Man's picture
toto974's picture
Sheldon's picture
kenny33's picture
Thank you for your answer.. I
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"I am putting forward the
kenny33's picture
Answering to your first
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kenny33 "I am a person that
kenny33's picture
"Well fuck me..."


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