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CyberLN's picture
The odds, after all, were in
Ramo Mpq's picture
Should have made it a $100
David Killens's picture
nah, he just went for five
Sheldon's picture
No one is waiting for you to
xenoview's picture
toto974's picture
Then please answer instead of
Sapporo's picture
@Searching for truth
Sapporo's picture
Searching for truth: "Death
Sky Pilot's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
Sheldon's picture
"The Bible approves of baby
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sheldon
toto974's picture
How many of the stuff of the
Sheldon's picture
You're undoubtedly right,
toto974's picture
You're sure about that, i
CyberLN's picture
Every time I’ve glanced at
Sheldon's picture
It might as well say STFU for
arakish's picture
Fri, 10/19/2018 - 10:17
Sheldon's picture
Eloquently put, and of course
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Arakish
arakish's picture
Old Man: Missed your bark....
Sheldon's picture
Welcome back arakish.
arakish's picture
Thanks brother. Good to be
Sheldon's picture
So much for SFT's objective
Sky Pilot's picture
Sheldon's picture
This is the problem in a
Chicken's picture
I dunno guys, Muhammad was
Sheldon's picture
I realise you're being
Chicken's picture
Ha, it was a joke in poor
Sky Pilot's picture


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