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Sheldon's picture

If your magic book is inerrant, why is so much effort invested to silence or kill its critics?

Is it ever moral for 50+ year old man to have sex with a nine year old child?
What is the penalty for apostasy in Islam?
What evidence can you demonstrate to support your belief that a deity exists?

I dare you to post in this thread and ignore these questions you have dodged for months.

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David Killens's picture
Is it ever moral for 50+ year
Sheldon's picture
I anticipate his response
xenoview's picture
I doubt he will even answer
Cognostic's picture
What is even more interesting
Ramo Mpq's picture


Attach Image/Video?: 

algebe's picture
@Searching for truth: A lion
Tin-Man's picture
Re: "A lion does not concern
Sheldon's picture
So much for your pretence of
Cognostic's picture
Smelling like a lion is no
Sheldon's picture
Seeking out the opinion of
toto974's picture
Come on SFT, you don't have
Sapporo's picture
I didn't realize that
xenoview's picture
Wow sft showed up, but didn't
Cognostic's picture
He can't answer the questions
Tin-Man's picture
Well, you can search for
Ramo Mpq's picture
Sheldon's picture
"I only wish there was a way
Sapporo's picture
Searching for truth: @Tinman
Sheldon's picture
Is it ever moral to kill non
Rohan M.'s picture
Not to mention that the whole
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ SfT" Maybe people can go to
Sapporo's picture
I wonder who @Searching for
Rohan M.'s picture
@Sapporo Which begs the
Randomhero1982's picture
Change his handle to
Ramo Mpq's picture
That's the search that lead
Sheldon's picture
What led you here is ego,
toto974's picture
As for Islam, it is likely
Ramo Mpq's picture
It's amazing seeing all you
NewSkeptic's picture
Ramo Mpq's picture
"Absurd, no it is never moral


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