Should christians be allowed to be medically treated?

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Harry33Truman's picture
I think its a very funny idea
mykcob4's picture
No harry it is because
Harry33Truman's picture
VA funding amounts to 25,000$
mykcob4's picture
Nope, you are wrong Harry.
LogicFTW's picture
The government can be
Randomhero1982's picture
Yes, everyone deserves to be
David_Holloway's picture
Personally, I believe that we
Daniel's picture
Denying healthcare based on a
Seenyab4's picture
I think it would be difficult
Mister Silver's picture
Theists deserve healthcare
mykcob4's picture
People on this thread say
David_Holloway's picture
Because it is the right thing
mykcob4's picture
Did you read my last post A.
David_Holloway's picture
My humble apologies, I must
David_Holloway's picture
Because it is the right thing
Guiltyofbeing101's picture
Also if You will notice -
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
The answer is yes, Christians
Guiltyofbeing101's picture
malinkastrong's picture
This is a very strange
Kuravar's picture
I haven’t visited government
Donnovan's picture
Yes of course.
Nammarok's picture
I had one friend who denied


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