Wanted to weigh in on all the fuss about the Pope being on "tour," and see what you people think. My question is what does this guy actually do?? Does he wipe out incurable diseases, does he miraculously put food in the mouths of starving people, does he confront a terror network like ISIS, look them in the eye, and get them to cease beheading innocent people? Can he stop the senseless murders that occur in the name of his, and other Gods? Why dosen't this guy go to Sierre Leone,where people are dying of Ebola? Why dosen't he travel to Somalia, Biafra, or any one of the endless areas of this world where people, especially children, are starving to death, and dying of disease? Why not go to a childrens hospital like St. Judes, and cure the helpless children that will die of cancer, and other incurable diseases, that they contracted through no fault of their own? Why dosen't he go to confront ISIS, and threaten them with the "power of God." Show us just ONE MIRACLE!! Will ANY of these things happen?? The answer is a resounding...NNNNOOOOOO!! The Pope is just a man, they might say, he may get sick, or he may be killed, or put in danger, he couldn't possibly do all of those things?... THAT IS EXACTLY MY POINT...WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THE FUSS ABOUT??!! Just because the Pope "speaks out" on something, does that mean that ANYTHING will change? ( especially the molestation of children!!) The answer is NO!! Has ANY Pope ever changed ANYTHING for the better? NOOOOO! So here there are programs that ask..."What would you say to the Pope?" What I would say is... STAY THE F#$K HOME, AND STOP INCONVENIENCING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF WORKING PEOPLE THAT ARE TRYING TO GET AROUND AREAS THAT ARE ALREADY TOO CONGESTED!! Millions of people all over the world for centuries have prayed for world peace, prayed to feed all the starving children in the world, prayed for cures to incurable diseases. Have ANY of these things EVER come true....NOT A CHANCE!!! So, therefore, my logical conclusion about prayer is quite simple....IT DOSEN'T WORK!!! Why dosen't everyone try NOT PRAYING...or NOT GOING TO CHURCH?? It might work better!!! What are YOUR thoughts??
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