Specifically for Senta Christine the Lost One

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arakish's picture
Specifically for Senta Christine the Lost One


The great unanswerable question.

Also the greatest logical fallacy ever created when used to begin a question.

You are playing with the word WHY. Playing with is meaning.

You are using the word WHY in the sense that everything has a purpose. You fail to see that nothing in this universe has any purpose other than it exists.

It is like you are asking the question "WHY are there mountains?" as if the mountains have a purpose. The mountains have no purpose. They were created through processes that did not give a damn whether the end result was going to be mountains. The mountains simply exist. No purpose.

Using WHY in the sense of purpose is a logical fallacy.

The only purpose of anything everything something in the entirety of the vast universe is that it exists. Otherwise, there is no purpose.

Here is a good example for you. Your deity possesses omniscience. It must to have to create this universe. Your deity possesses omnipotence. Again, to create this universe it must. You deity is omnipresent. Again, it must to have created this universe and to be molding it. One point you have never tried to touch.

WHY is your deity so damned evil?


P.S. — Although directed to Senta Christine, all other others are welcome. Let's see if she answers...

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David Killens's picture
I love it when deists try to

I love it when deists try to use the "why" in an effort to confuse everything. There is no "cause", no "purpose", stuff just IS.

Here's a little "why" exercise.

Why do you have children?

Why did god take away one of your children?

Senta Christine's picture
Why do we exist at all?

Why do we exist at all?

Rohan M.'s picture
I’ll gladly explain!

I’ll gladly explain!

We exist today because each and every one of us won in a cosmic lottery determined by the series of randomly-occurring events throughout the entire history of the universe, against unbeatable odds of unimaginable proportions. Nobody knows for sure how it all started, so I won’t pretend to know and insert any imaginary friend into the gaps.

Nonetheless, we are all very, very lucky to be here because of that, and that is why we exist.

And as for what life’s purpose is... well, the thing is, it’s pretty much what YOU want YOUR short life in this wonderful universe to be about- whether that is making a difference (hopefully) for the better, helping others, helping humanity, etc. In short, there is no one, absolute purpose. Each of our lives have different meanings... each of which are determined by the individual person.

Our time is so short, and this life is, for all I know, the only one I will ever have, so we should make the most of it, and enjoy it! Sure, some parts may suck (especially the fact that mine will probably end in a mere 85-90 years), but still, there are also lots of good things to live for!

Bad Santa's picture

Two thumbs up to your explanation!!! ... to the point, and surprisingly (but only to theists, mind you) very logical.. (somehow logic is like chlamydia to them... avoid at all costs)

Hell, I'm steeling your expression: "...each and every one of us won in a cosmic lottery determined by the series of randomly-occurring events throughout the entire history of the universe, against unbeatable odds of unimaginable proportions."... fucking brilliant!
(I'm putting you on my short list of heathens for a surprise present this Christmas)

Again, two thumbs up!!.... (I'm trying to raise my left toe too.. )

Senta Christine's picture
Explain what you mean. God

Explain what you mean. God does not take away anyone's children.

David Killens's picture
I guess you did not get the

I guess you did not get the memo. God occasionally takes away children. You will never know, god works in mysterious ways.

The question is .. why?

Senta Christine's picture
Are you talking about

Are you talking about children dying? When you believe in God, you believe in eternal life and that when we cross over, we are in a better place than this.

LogicFTW's picture
Then what is the point of

Then what is the point of living?

Oh wait let me guess....
Is it because: life is a test?

Senta Christine's picture
I think all our lives have

I think all our lives have different purposes and that we are all going through a series of lives designed to help us learn to become better people and eventually perfect us to the point that we are godlike and deserving of an eternity in paradise.

LogicFTW's picture
If the purpose is not to get

If the purpose is not to get into heaven, then what is the point since heaven is so much better than "life." Why not "upgrade" your life right away and be in heaven. (I want to point out I never encourage suicide, I think it is always a terrible idea, but if people really believe there is a heaven, why do they not act on it?)

Most religions have stuff in there that suicide does not count it is cheating and you do not get in heaven on suicide. But dying young of cancer does get you in heaven. How about dying at 50 from obesity? Is it a form of slow suicide or simply disease that god decided to inflict? Heaven or no? How about all the people that smoked and died young?

Are you also stating we keep getting reborn? Until we finally get it right or judgement day comes? World population was ~300 million people 2000 years ago, ~310 million 1000 years later, but in the last 100 years it has zoomed from ~1.6 billion to over 7 billion. Was there just a lot of "souls" that had to wait around 2000 years before they had their "chance" to be made "perfect?" How many "souls" are there? For population growth like this to continue there must of been at least 10 billion.



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Senta Christine's picture
I am not a Christian. I think

I am not a Christian. I think we keep going through lives here until we reach that point of being godlike enough to actually earn and deserve the reward of eternal paradise. Yes,I believe in reincarnation and that hell or karma is playing itself out right here, right now, right before our eyes. We will reach the point of perfection at different times. If we ever had tangible proof of God and eternal life, most of the world would commit suicide and that negates the purpose of our lives here.

CyberLN's picture
Senta, you wrote, “If we ever

Senta, you wrote, “If we ever had tangible proof of God and eternal life, most of the world would commit suicide and that negates the purpose of our lives here.”

I think you engage in making assertions like it’s a recreational sport.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cyber

@ Cyber
She would be a multiple gold winner if that were so......

Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine: If we ever

Senta Christine: If we ever had tangible proof of God and eternal life, most of the world would commit suicide and that negates the purpose of our lives here.

What is the point of death, in your view?

Senta Christine's picture
The point is for us to think

The point is for us to think we may only have x amount of time to live, and then be challenged with what would you do if you thought you only had x amount of time to live? Also, grief and loss help us appreciate others more and create stronger bonds once we are finally reunited.

CyberLN's picture
WTF? This flies in the face

WTF? This flies in the face of SO many other things you’ve written!

Senta Christine's picture
No it doesn't. You just haven

No it doesn't. You just haven't really read anything else I've said. Did you watch the Big Bang video at least ? It is so awesome!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_Om5TNJVmE

LogicFTW's picture
@Senta Christine

@Senta Christine

The point is for us to think we may only have x amount of time to live, and then be challenged with what would you do if you thought you only had x amount of time to live?

So your "god idea" tries to tricks all humans with lies and deceit, except for ofcourse a few humans that he fails to trick? All as part of his game to get people to be "perfect and god like?"

WOW. Again: why would you want to participate in that madness? Especially considering their is zero actual evidence that any of this game is actually real?



▮          I am an atheist that always likes a good debate.          ▮
▮   Please include @LogicFTW in responses directed to me.    ▮
▮        Useful list on forum usage. A.R. Member since 2016.      ▮

Senta Christine's picture
No, we are here to be

No, we are here to be challenged and 93% of the world believes in God and eternal life, We just don't know for sure. There is no trick, there is only the challenge of the kind of decisions you will make with the free will to do anything.

arakish's picture


Senta: "The point is for us to think we may only have x amount of time to live, and then be challenged with what would you do if you thought you only had x amount of time to live? Also, grief and loss help us appreciate others more and create stronger bonds once we are finally reunited."

CyberLN: "WTF? This flies in the face of SO many other things you’ve written!"


And especially this: "Also, grief and loss help us appreciate others more and create stronger bonds once we are finally reunited."

This statement I find to be so much bullshit, I am now having to move from hip-waders to my yacht.

Like all Religious Absolutists, you are so full of bullshit you can no longer smell the diarrhea you spew from your own mouth/mind.

If what you said above is true, then my family, regardless of me being an atheist, would have helped me in all ways possible after the deaths of my wife and twin daughters. Only my father helped any by being the ONLY to have come visit me in the hospital. He actually stayed for a month while I was in a coma, then medically induced coma, until I awoke. He stayed another eight days but had to get back to grandma, his mother for whom he was caring. He may not have been there the whole time I was in the hospital, I was still living in NC, he was in NM, but at least he was there until I awoke and until I was classified in stable condition.

You sweetheart, and I use the term very loosely, are nothing more than large pile of excrement.


LogicFTW's picture
@Senta Christine

@Senta Christine

I never observed anyone anywhere close to being godlike or someone anywhere near reaching "the point of perfection." Never heard about anyone like that either, seems like if you believe that, you should also understand no one has made it so far. It is like a rigged game where no one can win! Why would you want to play such a "game?"



▮          I am an atheist that always likes a good debate.          ▮
▮   Please include @LogicFTW in responses directed to me.    ▮
▮        Useful list on forum usage. A.R. Member since 2016.      ▮

Senta Christine's picture
That is because we have many,

That is because we have many, many lifetimes to go to acheive this state of godlike perfection. It is an ultimate goal.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Senta

@ Senta

Are you practising for a long con? Maybe becoming a female Deepak? You just came here knowing this will be your hardest audience ?Now honed you can commence your career in selling the invisible, unprovable crap you have been spouting?

You have stolen nearly every concept you mouth on about (Like Deepak) you have not one ounce of evidence apart from "look around you" and "See what I see, Think What I Think"...yep the makings of every mediocre snake oil seller is within you. Perhaps that is what the Universe/God/Ball of Energy is teaching you, viz: Last life you were a middle ranking con artist and this life you are improving your skills.


Senta Christine's picture
Nope, I just like to debate

Nope, I just like to debate topics with people who have opinions that differ from my own. I don't care what nonsense you decide to believe. Believe this whole universe magically appeared without intelligence and for no reason and with no purpose, so we could all live unequally for short periods of time and then die and go nowhere if that kind of stuff is what makes sense to someone like you. Also, I have stolen nothing. I have considered the religious beliefs of billions of people and decided what I thought made sense and what would make this a fair and just universe. Good day

CyberLN's picture
“Nope, I just like to debate

“Nope, I just like to debate topics with people who have opinions that differ from my own”

In case you are lurking after banishment...

You never, ever debated. Not once. You asserted a lot, though.

Bad Santa's picture
Have you ever had an urge to

Have you ever had an urge to get to that place sooner?...
If not.... why? Since it is soooo much better that this.
Just wandering

Senta Christine's picture
Yes, but not until the past

Yes, but not until the past few years. I have had enough experiences now to prove God and eternal life to me beyond any doubt. I no longer fear death and instead look forward to it. I really never thought I would be so lucky as to lose my fear of death.

LogicFTW's picture
"Experiences" you say?

"Experiences" you say?

So if I drugged you up on a cocktail of potent psychoactive drugs, created a highly psychedelic environment and "played" with your mind to create powerful new experiences for you, would you consider me your god that will grant you immortality if you follow my rules?

Or would you demand a little bit more evidence then just "experiences"? Before you just took my word for it that I am your god (that so happens to have good psychedelic drugs?)

Senta Christine's picture
The only thing our lives are

The only thing our lives are made up of are our experiences. I was lucky enough to have 2 shared/mutual experiences that were verified on the spot. I have also had so many other signs that I think I may die soon. I really would not mind at this point and that is so freeing. Also, there were no drugs involved in any of my experiences.

Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine: When you

Senta Christine: When you believe in God, you believe in eternal life and that when we cross over, we are in a better place than this.

You don't need to believe in God to believe in eternal life.

Do you have any evidence that matter is not eternal?


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