Specifically for Senta Christine the Lost One

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Sheldon's picture
If you claim your deity is
Senta Christine's picture
Don't you think we all wonder
Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine: Don't you
Senta Christine's picture
The children who are
Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine: The children
Sheldon's picture
SC "The children who are
Cognostic's picture
RE: "I believe in
Cognostic's picture
I'm sorry..... You must not
Senta Christine's picture
I agree that the God depicted
Cognostic's picture
Well, hell, just choose
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Senta
Senta Christine's picture
People like me? What did I
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Senta
arakish's picture
Old Man: "Deepak Chopra,
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Arakish
Cognostic's picture
Ummmm .... Spread ignorance
Sheldon's picture
You've flooded this forum
Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine:
Tin-Man's picture
Damn, Sapporo.... Something
Sapporo's picture
Tin-Man; Damn, Sapporo....
arakish's picture
I still love the new look.
algebe's picture
You're Breakin' Free?
arakish's picture
Senta: "Do any of you have
Senta Christine's picture
Here is something new and
arakish's picture
Ain't watching the video.
Nyarlathotep's picture
If you (anyone) is done
arakish's picture
And I had to skip to the end


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arakish's picture
Why Senta Christine is a


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arakish's picture
And not to mention that Senta


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