Specifically for Senta Christine the Lost One

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Sheldon's picture
If you claim your deity is

If you claim your deity is not evil, why did it create a world with ubiquitous suffering?

Why demand a blood sacrifice to appease it's anger?

Why commit genocide?

Why did the bible claim your deity tortured a new born baby to death over 7 days?

Why did it kill every first born child in an entire country?

Ate children responsible for the actions of parents? That's an evil idea right there.

Senta Christine's picture
Don't you think we all wonder

Don't you think we all wonder that? I believe in reincarnation and karma. Karma is mentioned over and over in every major religion (80 times in the Bible-eye for an eye. tooth for a tooth, reap what you sow, Everyone will be salted with fire etc etc ) they just don't call it karma .I think we only suffer through pain that we have intentionally caused to others and it is through that pain and suffering that we become better people. It is evident by just observing our environment - People celebrating and joyous-people doing kind wonderful things. People suffering and in pain- people doing horrible things to others. Also it is the only thing that would make this a fair and just universe and I refuse to believe that I live in an unfair, unjust universe as I explained before.

Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine: Don't you

Senta Christine: Don't you think we all wonder that? I believe in reincarnation and karma. Karma is mentioned over and over in every major religion (80 times in the Bible-eye for an eye. tooth for a tooth, reap what you sow, Everyone will be salted with fire etc etc ) they just don't call it karma .I think we only suffer through pain that we have intentionally caused to others and it is through that pain and suffering that we become better people. It is evident by just observing our environment - People celebrating and joyous-people doing kind wonderful things. People suffering and in pain- people doing horrible things to others. Also it is the only thing that would make this a fair and just universe and I refuse to believe that I live in an unfair, unjust universe as I explained before.

It would be nice to live in a just universe, but that is purely a sentimental view.

I find the suggestion odious that for example children who suffer horribly do so because of something they did in a past life. This is also a purely sentimental view.

It is better to live with a practical reality, where if someone is suffering and it is possible to do something about it, then something should be done about it. But again, this is also a purely sentimental view.

Senta Christine's picture
The children who are

The children who are suffering could be souls who are coming here to teach the people whose lives they touch the very important lessons of compassion, and kindness, and sympathy, and to focus on the important things in life rather than being caught up in all the trivial nonsense.

Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine: The children

Senta Christine: The children who are suffering could be souls who are coming here to teach the people whose lives they touch the very important lessons of compassion, and kindness, and sympathy, and to focus on the important things in life rather than being caught up in all the trivial nonsense.

We should not live on our lives based on what we feel ought to be true, rather than what is. That would just lead to second-guessing everything.

Sheldon's picture
SC "The children who are

SC "The children who are suffering could be souls who are coming here to teach the people whose lives they touch the very important lessons of compassion, and kindness, and sympathy, and to focus on the important things in life rather than being caught up in all the trivial nonsense."

Well I'm an atheist of course, but I'm afraid I can't agree with your claim that all the children that suffer is "trivial nonsense". In fact that is repugnant to me. I also find the idea of karma repulsive, the idea a child born with a painful and degenerative condition for example somehow deserves it because of a previous action is not just asinine, but deeply deeply immoral.

Cognostic's picture
RE: "I believe in

RE: "I believe in reincarnation and karma. Karma is mentioned over and over in every major religion." Just proves you are a bigot as well as ignorant. Karma is the REASON for CAST systems. Throughout Asia until fairly recently (and still in some places) if a couple has a female baby it is because they have done something wrong. The female is generally blamed. If you have a deformed baby, you ship it off to an island to pick fruit. You don't want the neighbors to know that you deserve a deformed or retarded baby because of your past Karma. If you are born poor, it is your Karma. If you lose a leg, it is just your Karma. Karma is horseshit and the people who follow the doctrine assholes.

Cognostic's picture
I'm sorry..... You must not

I'm sorry..... You must not be talking about the God of the Bible. Which God are you talking about. We know for a fact the god of the Bible is evil.

Isaiah 45:7 (KJV 1900) I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

"I am the Lord, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God. I will gird you, though you have not known Me; 6That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sun That there is no one besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other, 7The One forming light and creating darkness, Causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the Lord who does all these," (Isaiah 45:5-7).

"And the Lord said to him, "Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him dumb or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?" (Exodus 4:11).

And I did not even get into ordering the death of every first born child in Egypt, ripping open the stomachs of pregnant women and rejoicing as unborn babies are tossed onto rocks. Your God is insane and evil and certainly unworthy of worship. (Or did you mean Allah?) We can do the same thing for him if you like.

Senta Christine's picture
I agree that the God depicted

I agree that the God depicted in the Bible is questionable.. What all good God would put someone in hell for all eternity for what they did in just one life? But then all religions are man-made but with a good purpose in mind. Were some possibly inspired to some extent by prophets of the actual God? I don't know and neither do you. I believe in God as the Universal Energy force.

Cognostic's picture
Well, hell, just choose

Well, hell, just choose anything and make it a god. Who in the hell can argue with that. I think God is a used roll of toilet paper in my bathroom that I stuck to the wall as a joke and now can't get it off. Prove me wrong.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Senta

@ Senta

"Do any of you have specific reasons for deciding to be atheists?

Oh yes.....people like you.

Senta Christine's picture
People like me? What did I

People like me? What did I ever do to anybody?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Senta

@ Senta

Its not what you do, It what you say, what you try and force on others without bothering to evidence your case for a creator god, infinite lives, orgasmic divine creation, and all the other baloney you have been spouting. "Why" is not evidence, it is an enquiry. You've been answered with civility without the need of a deity being introduced .

Produceone bit of serious evidence for your assertions and fine I will become a believer in your new age malarkey, until then you are up there with Deepak Chopra, orbiting the planet in deepest woo woo.

(edited for clarity)

arakish's picture
Old Man: "Deepak Chopra,

Old Man: "Deepak Chopra, orbiting the planet in deepest woo woo."

You think he might be able to find Russell's Teapot?


Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Arakish

@ Arakish

"You think he might be able to find Russell's Teapot?

He is one with the orgasmic cosmic teapot.

Cognostic's picture
Ummmm .... Spread ignorance

Ummmm .... Spread ignorance, abuse children by thwarting their education, preventing the distribution of condoms to Aids stricken countries, pretending you know stuff when you don't, insulting innocent people with your view of hell and damnation. How many examples would you like. This list really is endless.

Sheldon's picture
You've flooded this forum

You've flooded this forum with asinine absurdities for days, some of the more absurdly stupid claims are a crime against humanity if ever there was one.

Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine:

Senta Christine:
I am not Christian. I think God is probably a massive form of energy.

Where do you think this massive form of energy is probably located? Why do you need to call it "God"?

Tin-Man's picture
Damn, Sapporo.... Something

Damn, Sapporo.... Something about your new look makes me feel all tinglie inside.

Sapporo's picture
Tin-Man; Damn, Sapporo....

Tin-Man; Damn, Sapporo.... Something about your new look makes me feel all tinglie inside.

I guess it's the butch look.

arakish's picture
I still love the new look.

I still love the new look. And tinlglie ain't the word for it.


algebe's picture
You're Breakin' Free?

You're Breakin' Free?

arakish's picture
Senta: "Do any of you have

Senta: "Do any of you have specific reasons for deciding to be atheists?"

And I responded...

Arakish: "Because of what you think of me. I am an evil, wicked, mean, and nasty person."

And here is some further data.

Since I am old enough to be your daddy, perhaps I should just do what Religious Absolutists did to me when I had questions they could not answer and give you good spanking with a paddle. Now that I think of it, it might also answer this question of yours, Why do we have the making love experience & how does it come about.

Anyway, during the time I was growing up, the Religious Absolutists almost always referred to us atheists as "godless heathens" or "satanic pagans" or if they were really pised off at you "godless heathenistic satanic pagans." Only if the Religious Absolutists were forced to be respectful, they call you "doubter" or "unbeliever." The word "atheist" not heard my neck of the woods until around the early to mid 80s when Carl Sagan was doing his science dissemination thing.

Thus, I'll take the label "atheist." I cannot figure it out, but for some reason, it does sound better and more truthful than "godless heathens" or "satanic pagans" or "godless heathenistic satanic pagans."

And here is an interesting factoid for you: No Religious Absolutists is capable of speaking one word of truth. Just go back and look at all your posts...

And if you do not like the fact that I do not believe your assertions and publicly defile them, well... you know that "M" word...


Senta Christine's picture
Here is something new and

Here is something new and interesting from Biology https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/schroedingers-bacterium-could...

arakish's picture
Ain't watching the video.

Ain't watching the video. Not any from you anymore...


Nyarlathotep's picture
If you (anyone) is done

If you (anyone) is done playing with the troll, mark disagree on this post.

If you are not done, mark agree.

arakish's picture
And I had to skip to the end

And I had to skip to the end from halfway through. Could not take anymore of the LSD trip. I now know what a "bad trip" is. I had nothing but good trips the few times I dropped acid. This has completely ruined it for me.

Attached Image: Remind anyone of anyone?



Attach Image/Video?: 

arakish's picture
Why Senta Christine is a

Why Senta Christine is a Troll

See attached image. Checking after posting: You may need to download the image to see it clearly. Sorry. Not my fault.

I mean WTFGDH is that? 2 days, 3 hours, 55 minutes to make 182 posts (including the started thread post). Total of 3115 minutes ÷ 182 posts ≅ 17.115 minutes between each post. In my book, this is a troll.

WTFGDH? I think it took me a month, or longer, to make 182 posts. No. I ain't checked, but I am still damned sure it took me a lot longer than slightly more than two days to make 182 posts.

And if memory serves (which rarely does now days) the first thread I started was titled "Things My Mom Taught Me." And it was a parody/satire, but oh so truthful also.



Attach Image/Video?: 

arakish's picture
And not to mention that Senta

And not to mention that Senta's avatar is a "stolen" image. Look closely and you shall see the watermark.



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