Specifically for Senta Christine the Lost One

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Senta Christine's picture
I do agree with that and
David Killens's picture
Have you ever stopped and
Senta Christine's picture
There would be love making
David Killens's picture
What other half? if you
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ David
David Killens's picture
Sheesh Old man, this wacko
Senta Christine's picture
I will be spending eternal
arakish's picture
Senta: "I will be spending
David Killens's picture
Understand this, if you and
Cognostic's picture
Apparently you do not need a
Rohan M.'s picture
You mean like all of the
Senta Christine's picture
God does not cause
Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine: God does not
Senta Christine's picture
It has nothing to do with the
Cognostic's picture
Oh Damn... The free will
Sheldon's picture
"Here's a little "why"
Senta Christine's picture
God does not take away
David Killens's picture
@Senta Christine
Senta Christine's picture
I guess you are a Christian
LogicFTW's picture
@Senta Christine
Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine: God does not
Senta Christine's picture
Because we are living in fear
David Killens's picture
You live in fear, I do not.
Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine: Because we
Senta Christine's picture
We all live in fear here. You
David Killens's picture
Let me think. Nope, no fear
CyberLN's picture
I’m afraid of spiders.
arakish's picture
Really? Don't come for a
CyberLN's picture
I, too, have shared my space
arakish's picture
@ CyberLN Re: "Venom


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