Specifically for Senta Christine the Lost One

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Senta Christine's picture
I do agree with that and

I do agree with that and there is an argument that can be made that our higher selves are the intelligence driving this entire universe. The reason I don't believe that is because people are so imperfect. I would not want to live in a universe that did not have a perfect good in it and so God is that perfect good that we all aspire to be like.

David Killens's picture
Have you ever stopped and

Have you ever stopped and considered what it would be like to be perfect and living in a perfect world for eternity?

It would be so boring and sterile I would not want to experience it.

Would there be sex?
Would there be drugs?
Would there be other people (perfection is also being independent)?
Would there be dogs and other pets?
Would there be something similar to TV?
Would there be any excitement at all?
Would there be sports?
Would there be music?
Can you go to a bar and get drunk, throw up, and have a generally good time?

and ...

Would there be Rock and Roll?


Senta Christine's picture
There would be love making

There would be love making with your other half who is your ideal image of perfection and beauty. Probably some form of alcohol and drugs to enjoy socially and of course other people but not pets. Animals have their own paradise and would just visit with us. Yes TV, but not trashy tv, just pure honest fun cartoonish tv. Everything there would be a million times more exciting without the fear of death.Yes music and sports. Music is amazing proof of God all by itself. Imagine just like here but without the hate,violence, fear and anger. Like everyone is on ecstacy (MDMA) and there are only positive experiences and no negative experiences. We come here to be negative and do things wrong so we can learn to be better and deserve perfection.

David Killens's picture
What other half? if you

What other half? if you achieve "perfection" you no longer rely on anyone else and are 100% independent. Sorry, but you and your soul mate won't spend eternity together.

Your 1950's tight attitude is alarming. I bet we all get to sit around and watch replays of "Leave it to Beaver" and "The Patty Duke Show", with maybe some Carol Burnett for wild Friday nights. I find that exceptionally boring, I want to watch Kenny versus Spenny, Kevin Spencer, and midget porn.

I have pets, and I understand that they would want to be in only one place, very close to me. Sending them away to their own "paradise" would be painful to both me and my pet.

What about gays and LGBQ?

Sheesh, your vision of this place is repugnant to me, sterile and definitely not a place I desire for.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ David

@ David

Well said ...apart from the porn for me......save me a place.

David Killens's picture
Sheesh Old man, this wacko

Sheesh Old man, this wacko thinking makes me want to puke.

of course no one wants to die, no one wants to suffer. So those with a morbid fear of death (yes, the OP marinates in it, considering how many times the OP references death) they want to live forever in some mythical wonderland.

But they have not thought it through, once they reach the "I want to live forever in perfection" they do not think any further and really speculate what this heaven would really be like.

I am going to tell a joke, and I apologize to any gay or LGBQ, whom I all respect.

One day a guy dies and finds himself in hell. As he is wallowing in despair, he has his first meeting with the devil...

Satan: Why so glum?

Guy: What do you think? I'm in hell!

Satan: Hell's not so bad. We actually have a lot of fun down here. Are you a drinking man?

Guy: Sure, I love to drink.

Satan: Well you're gonna love Mondays then. On Mondays that's all we do is drink. Whiskey, tequila, Guinness, wine coolers, diet tab and colas. We drink till we throw up and then we drink some more! And we don't worry about getting a hangover because you're dead anyway.

Guy: Gee, that sounds great!

Satan: You a smoker?

Guy: You better believe it!

Satan: All right! You're gonna love Tuesdays. We get the finest cigars from all over the world and smoke our lungs out. If you get cancer no biggie, you're already dead, remember?

Guy: Wow... that's awesome!

Satan: I bet you like to gamble.

Guy: Why yes, as a matter of fact I do.

Satan: Cause Wednesdays you can gamble all you want. Craps, Blackjack, Roulette, Poker, Slots. If you go bankrupt... you're dead anyhow. Do you do drugs??

Guy: Are you kidding? Love drugs! You don't mean...

Satan: That's right! Thursday is drug day. Help yourself to a great big bowl of crack, or smack. Smoke a doobie the size of a submarine. You can do all the drugs you want, you're dead, who cares.

Guy: WOW! I never realized Hell was such a cool place!

Satan: You gay?

Guy: No...

Satan: Ooooh You're gonna hate Fridays.

Senta Christine's picture
I will be spending eternal

I will be spending eternal life in an amazing love paradise with my soulmate/true love/other half. We know this beyond any doubt and have had huge signs and experiences proving it. You don't have to worry. You will be coming back here for thousands of lifetimes before you enter paradise. You can be part of the gay community and watch all the porn and hang out with pets all you want.

arakish's picture
Senta: "I will be spending

Senta: "I will be spending eternal life in an amazing love paradise with my soulmate/true love/other half. We know this beyond any doubt and have had huge signs and experiences proving it. You don't have to worry. You will be coming back here for thousands of lifetimes before you enter paradise. You can be part of the gay community and watch all the porn and hang out with pets all you want."



David Killens's picture
Understand this, if you and

Understand this, if you and/or your soul mate achieve "perfection", that means that you will also be 100% independent. Any time you rely on anything else, you have not reached perfection.

That person may be your soul mate for life, but not for eternity.

Cognostic's picture
Apparently you do not need a

Apparently you do not need a whole lot of things to believe in eternal life. 1. A high school education. 2. Common sense. 3. A skeptical attitude towards fantastic tales. 4. An IQ above 90 5. A working bullshit detector, 6. The ability to punctuate sentences correctly. 7. Humility 8. A personality 9. A religion. (Just making shit up seems good enough.) 10. You do not need a pedantic arrogant attitude but it really helps. Just ask William Lane Craig.

Rohan M.'s picture
You mean like all of the

You mean like all of the miscarriages that he causes, all while insisting that intentionally initiating one to avoid having a child you can’t afford is murder? Yeah, THAT god doesn’t “take away” anyone’s children... unless, of course, he “needs more angels”... or “is testing their parents”... or is “sending a message”... or “punishing them for their in repentance”... or... well, what can I say, after all? He works in mysterious ways... ways so mysterious, it’s almost as if he doesn’t exi- nah! He clearly does, but just hasn’t revealed himself to me yet... but then again, I can see his omnipresence in everything... but he just wants me to find him...

Senta Christine's picture
God does not cause

God does not cause miscarriages. Perhaps the souls were just not ready to be born at the time of pregnancy. And do not blame God for what people with free will are doing. God is not shouting at anyone for not being able to afford having a baby. People will use any excuse to be assholes. They will even try to use so called Holy texts to be assholes. That is not God's fault.

Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine: God does not

Senta Christine: God does not cause miscarriages. Perhaps the souls were just not ready to be born at the time of pregnancy. And do not blame God for what people with free will are doing. God is not shouting at anyone for not being able to afford having a baby. People will use any excuse to be assholes. They will even try to use so called Holy texts to be assholes. That is not God's fault.

Why do you think you know the mind of God better than we do?

Senta Christine's picture
It has nothing to do with the

It has nothing to do with the mind of God. People are people and people are not God.

Cognostic's picture
Oh Damn... The free will

Oh Damn... The free will thing. "There goes God's plan." I thought that asshole knew everything but noooo, someone had to go and throw free will in the mix. I suppose God will have to start answering prayers again since his plan is no longer being used.

I agree, People will use any excuse to be assholes. Especially the religious. "It's not me that says that. It's the Bible." On the other hand assholes nee not excuse at all to be assholes.

On a side note.... You realize of course that we are talking about nothing. There is nothing in an asshole. It's a frigging hole. If you put something in it, like your head for example, it is an asshole with a head in it. I'm just saying. All this talk about holes is a bit esoteric.

Sheldon's picture
"Here's a little "why"

"Here's a little "why" exercise.

Why do you have children?

Why did god take away one of your children?"

We already know the answer to this, it goes like this...

Mumble mumble mumble...free will mumble mumble mumble...mysterious ways...Mumble mumble mumble...praise the Lord...(all mumble it) amen...

Pass the plate around.

Senta Christine's picture
God does not take away

God does not take away anything or intervene in our lives in any way, other than to give us signs that God exists.

David Killens's picture
@Senta Christine

@Senta Christine

"God does not take away anything or intervene in our lives in any way, other than to give us signs that God exists."

Of course god does. God caused a world wide flood, made shit fall out of the sky, burned a bush, answers prayers. And just exactly how does god give us signs it exists? Because without any doubt, this god is the grand champion of hide-and-seek.

There are no signs.

Senta Christine's picture
I guess you are a Christian

I guess you are a Christian then. I am not a Christian and I think all religions are man-made, but with a good purpose in mind.

LogicFTW's picture
@Senta Christine

@Senta Christine
If you clicked on Killen's profile you will see he identifies as atheist.

So I think... you are saying you do not have religion, a big part of the definition of theist is someone that follows religion. So you agree you are not a theist. Maybe not an atheist either, as you do believe in some sort of "god."

Gotta say though believing in god and afterlife sounds an awful lot like a lot of religions. Maybe a few less bothersome details, but the same lie.



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Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine: God does not

Senta Christine: God does not take away anything or intervene in our lives in any way, other than to give us signs that God exists.

You said that if we had "tangible proof of God and eternal life, most of the world would commit suicide". Why then in your view would God give signs of its existence unless it wanted people to commit suicide? That sounds like an immoral being.

Senta Christine's picture
Because we are living in fear

Because we are living in fear here and people are constantly praying for signs of God and eternal life.

David Killens's picture
You live in fear, I do not.

You live in fear, I do not.

and ... prayer has been proven ineffective. A flip of the coin carries better odds.

Sapporo's picture
Senta Christine: Because we

Senta Christine: Because we are living in fear here and people are constantly praying for signs of God and eternal life.

Living in fear is no way to live. You seem to be opposed to establishing what is true.

Senta Christine's picture
We all live in fear here. You

We all live in fear here. You are in fear of something whether you want to admit it or not.

David Killens's picture
Let me think. Nope, no fear

Let me think. Nope, no fear in me.

You are wrong. You are doubly wrong for acting as if you know what I am thinking.

CyberLN's picture
I’m afraid of spiders.

I’m afraid of spiders.

arakish's picture
Really? Don't come for a

Really? Don't come for a visit. I still have pet tarantulas. Love the little beasties. Have five of them. Along with a pet snake.

As for fear I have none. However, thanks to my PTSD, my startle response is still so greatly exaggerated. Sudden things can startle the hell out of me, but it is still not "fear."

Me daughters loved the menagerie I had at one time. 5 dogs, 6 cats, a horse, boa constrictor, forget how many tarantulas because I also bred them, iguana, pair of love birds, a macau, chinchilla, squirrel (long story), a huge wall aquarium with a large assortment, hell I can never remember it all. O! caring for them all are more fond memories...


CyberLN's picture
I, too, have shared my space

I, too, have shared my space with a lot of critters. Am horrified of spiders. And am afraid of some other bugs too. Have venom allergies.

arakish's picture
@ CyberLN Re: "Venom

@ CyberLN Re: "Venom Allergies"

Funny. So do I. Doesn't stop me from having venomous animals. Besides, I have viewed humans as the most venomous (LOL).

I developed my allergies when I opened a shed door that smacked a huge paper wasp nest and then wasps had at me. Was hospitalized for a few weeks I think. Come to find out, after me dad killed all the wasps and took down the nest, the damn thing ranged about 18 to 28 inches in diameter. Even kept it as a souvenir until the paper dry-rotted and the nest crumbled to dust.

Technically, I am not allergic. I just do not react very well. Plus I used to hunt poisonous snakes (copperhead, moccasin, cottonmouth, and eastern diamondback rattler) to sell to the local zoo for money. The zoo then sold them to pharmaceutical companies that made anti-venin. Got bit several times. You can still see some of the scars.

Glutton for punishment? Naa... More like a deep love for nature.


EDIT: inserted omitted word


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