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In Spirit's picture

Hello everyone

This is my last OP and I have decided to sign out for good.
There are many reasons and none worth making a federal case of.

I have not participated much lately but I assure you that I have been constantly reading many OP’s and threads.

As I said this is my last OP and I will only respond in this OP if it is required.

Thanks to those of you that welcomed me.
Thanks to some atheists that broadened my knowledge.
Special thanks to Tin man for your wit and humor.



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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Wish I had seen that coming..
Nyarlathotep's picture
If only you were psychic! Oh
David Killens's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@In Spirit Re: "Special
Olof Meister's picture
Looking for a place where
CharlesDaniels's picture
Hi all, I'd like to say https
Lande's picture
Are you ready to immerse

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