Taxation as Theft

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Flamenca's picture


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algebe's picture
@mykcob4: "Private schools
Harry33Truman's picture
That's what I told him.
Flamenca's picture
I totally disagree with this,
algebe's picture
Flamenca's picture
Algebe: It sounds like
mykcob4's picture
No Algebe I don't think that
Harry33Truman's picture
What are you talking about?
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'd just add that the instant
UnKnown's picture
"Private schools are a form
algebe's picture
@Unknown: "So if people pay
UnKnown's picture
And in some people's mind,
algebe's picture
The biggest problem with
cmallen's picture
These Ayn Randies and
mykcob4's picture
Absolutely correct M. C.
Flamenca's picture
I was amazed when a found out
Harry33Truman's picture
"When confronted with the
cmallen's picture
"It is clear by your post
Harry33Truman's picture
"Just to get this out of the
cmallen's picture
So... semantics, then?
Harry33Truman's picture
Capitalism is a state where
cmallen's picture
They called me a "hard-core
Harry33Truman's picture
That some people earn massive
cmallen's picture
You make some good points. To
UnKnown's picture
1. "It's so easy to be a
mykcob4's picture
@ UnKnown
UnKnown's picture
Problem with the monopolies.
Harry33Truman's picture
Child labor predates
mykcob4's picture
Child labor predates
algebe's picture
@mykcob3: "Child labor


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