Very disturbing action by some athiests co-workers

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Morality is by essence
Sapporo's picture
If there is an objective
mykcob4's picture
Valiya's picture
Sheldon's picture
"If morality is NEVER
algebe's picture
@ROYISM: "I am yet to find
Valiya's picture
algebe's picture
@ROYISM: "whose subjective
Valiya's picture
algebe's picture
@ROYISM: "If what the society
Valiya's picture
algebe's picture
@ROYISM: "My getting
Valiya's picture
algebe's picture
@ROYISM: "I will not drink
Valiya's picture
algebe's picture
@ROYISM: "on what basis do
Valiya's picture
algebe's picture
@ROYISM: "I am just saying
Valiya's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
ROYISM - The injunction is
Valiya's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
ROYISM - It is subjective to
Valiya's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
ROYISM - What I am basically
Valiya's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
ROYISM - I thought you would
Valiya's picture
algebe's picture
@ROYISM: "If tomorrow, the
Valiya's picture
algebe's picture
@ROYISM: The principle says


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