Well, that about wraps it up for god (Richard Carrier)

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ThePragmatic's picture
Well, that about wraps it up for god (Richard Carrier)

I really enjoyed this video by Richard Carrier

He covers multiple subjects and compares predictions on the atheist hypothesis vs the god hypothesis.
Among other things, he mentions:
- how Judaism was influenced by Zoroastrianism, how the Jesus story is similar to Osiris, Adonis, Romulus, Zalmoxis, Inanna and Mithra.
- the similarities between the Abrahamic religions and compares to other religions and shows how absurd it is.
- the time scale for the evolving of life (what the hell was god doing for all those billions of years??).

So, did he get anything wrong?

The subject title was taken from the end of the clip where Carrier quotes Douglas Adams from the Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy. The video does of course not disprove god...

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture


Yes Richard carrier does indeed describe well how the gospels were made, he describes allegory, myth making and many myths that colored Christianity.

He also shows that they are fiction and propaganda to deliver a message.

EllieHarris's picture
A) Bad design on a grand

A) Bad design on a grand scale doesn't show a grand, piss poor, designer didn't exist.
B) The poor attempts by barely civilized minds at getting at truth, doesn't disprove the gawwd claim. It just negates mythical stories for the umpteenth time.

It doesn't "wrap up," the God claim it just tells us what's been known for years about mythos.

ThePragmatic's picture
Yes, I agree. :)

Yes, I agree. :)
The title was taken from the end of the clip where Carrier quotes Douglas Adams from the Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy. It is supposed to be a book title "Well, that about wraps it up for god". The the last book of four in a trilogy (Typical Douglas Adams)

Perhaps a bad choice on my part. Or at least I could have mentioned that in the OP. Adding that as an edit...

Travis Hedglin's picture
"Bad design on a grand scale

"Bad design on a grand scale doesn't show a grand, piss poor, designer didn't exist."

True, it only implies either that the designer wasn't very bright, or it didn't really care. Either way, it bodes poorly for religion, and further disintegrates the notion that the designer deserves respect, or worse, worship.

science's picture
Look at the Unicef

Look at the Unicef commercials...And, Pragmatic echoed what I have been saying to theists for decades, and STILL haven't gotten an answer that makes any kind of sense...what was God doing for so many billions of years, BEFORE " showing" us thsat He exists??? Why did it take Him so long to " create" human existence?? After a few bilion years God must have thought, hmmm, I guess it's about time that I show my face!! What a joke!!

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