What does the Christian faith looks like under the lens of...

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Maxos Goober's picture
What does the Christian faith looks like under the lens of...

What does the Christian faith looks like under the lens of "normal people"?

By "normal people", I mean the ones who don't really assert any strong views on anything. He/she could just be a normal Christian who goes to church on Sundays out of tradition without any extreme fervour, or an atheist who'd rather pretend he's/she's a Christian just to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

I was fortunate enough not to be indoctrinated with pure Biblical teaching. I came to the Christian faith (of which I've at least temporarily left with agnosticism, of which I might as well stay in forever) through people who talk about it in the angle of philosophical and scientific thinking. My original fascination with this God thing was my discovery (as a teenager) of the cosmological argument. But as I dig deeper into my studies, I'm starting to see that this God that people talk about seems merely just a glorified Jupiter. Seriously, the concept of God being "outside of time" and "beyond our understanding" and "eternal" is the conception of Thomas Aquinas. It's not Biblical. The actual, Biblical God is incredibly similar to any other pagan deity. I don't feel the need to give an illustration for that.

My question is, among "normal people", is that the way they see Christianity (and its God)?

Because if that's the case, I am so embarrassed to have identified myself as a Christian.

However, if these normal people see this particular faith (and its people) the same way that I see the protagonist of a fantasy RPG when I play it, then I would be proud of calling myself a (former) Christian regardless of its truth or lack thereof.

All these questions I'm posing are my attempts to form my own worldview. So please take them seriously even if you may find them silly. I will likely internalize whatever answers I perceive to be sensible.

Much appreciated, fellow thinkers.

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Tin-Man's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Quick follow-up...
boomer47's picture
@Tin man
Maxos Goober's picture
Ordinary and predictable?
Nyarlathotep's picture
Maxos Goober - Atheists don't
Maxos Goober's picture
I understand. I was making a
Cognostic's picture
RE: "Atheists don't believe
LogicFTW's picture
@Maxos Goober
Maxos Goober's picture
@LogicFTW Please do.
Cognostic's picture
Maxos Goober: AWWWW Fuck!
Maxos Goober's picture
Cognostic's picture
Let me say it again!
Maxos Goober's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Maxos Goober: Perhaps you
Tin-Man's picture
@Biggus Dickus Re: To Cog -
Tin-Man's picture
@Green Goober Dude Re: To
Whitefire13's picture
Safe Space?!?!?!!! Where
Tin-Man's picture
@White Re: "Where the fuck
LogicFTW's picture
@Maxos Goober
Whitefire13's picture
Big green dude... I’m only
Homergreg's picture
I can't speak from the realm
Sheldon's picture
Homergreg's picture
The OP was asking, I believe,
Sheldon's picture
All the threads deviate along
Homergreg's picture
Seems to me that they deviate
Sheldon's picture
Homer "Seems to me that they
Whitefire13's picture
Hey Homer! You are a
Homergreg's picture
So I'm taking the OP's
Sheldon's picture
Homer "He asked, I answered.
Whitefire13's picture
Yes you did... through your


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