what is dogmatic atheists-nihilist take on Epigenesis?

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zuzu67's picture
what is dogmatic atheists-nihilist take on Epigenesis?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiritual_evolution#Epigenesis Epigenesis is the philosophical/theological/esoteric idea that since the mind was given to the human being, it is the original creative impulse, epigenesis, which has been the cause of all of mankind's development.

According to spiritual evolution, humans build upon that which has already been created, but add new elements because of the activity of the spirit. Humans have the capacity, therefore, to become creative intelligences—creators. For a human to fulfill this promise, his training should allow for the exercise of originality, which distinguishes creation from imitation. When epigenesis becomes inactive, in the individual or even in a race, evolution ceases and degeneration commences.

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zuzu67's picture
@ arakish
arakish's picture
Congratulations. ***tree
Terminal Dogma's picture
Unfalsifiable so whatever.
JazzTheist's picture
Cool enough--as long as you
arakish's picture
tesfeywhat is dogmatic
arakish's picture
There. Now others can come
zuzu67's picture
Let us not forget this.
Cognostic's picture
I just went and read the same
arakish's picture
I thought the same also.
zuzu67's picture
I think this Epigenesis has a
LogicFTW's picture
If you mean that our minds
arakish's picture
OK. Adding on to what said
chimp3's picture
New Age Bull Shit Generator!
arakish's picture
THANK YOU! chimp3.
Cognostic's picture
@ since the mind was given to
Sheldon's picture
All you've done is
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Woo woo, need not say
Sapporo's picture
Has @tesfey been banned?
CyberLN's picture
Yes, Sapporo, tesfey’s acct
Muashkis's picture
Ah, all these people,
Terminal Dogma's picture
Would like to know the
Tin-Man's picture
@Term-dog Re: "Would like
Terminal Dogma's picture
I think you are making funny

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