What is Love?

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Great hope's picture
What is Love?

We don't always have to talk about God or no God, do we? I think love just might be the most misused word in the world yet it's the most sought after. Does love even exist? Does it have to be unconditional to be true? Is love something that's felt? Or is love something that you give?

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arakish's picture
An action. rmfr
Tin-Man's picture
Question of the day.....
arakish's picture
How did I know that you would
Tin-Man's picture
LostLocke's picture
I should have known someone
terraphon's picture
Define "love"
Cognostic's picture
Another Red Herring - "Is
Up To My Neck's picture
I am beginning to believe you
Cognostic's picture
Not likely, but even if so,
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Love has many definitions
Randomhero1982's picture
What is Love?
Tin-Man's picture
dogalmighty's picture
Damn it...thats why I came on
Cognostic's picture
Some say love, it is a river
Tin-Man's picture
Love, love me do....
algebe's picture
@Great Hope: What is Love?
comoke1024's picture
Love is what we call chemical
Randomhero1982's picture
True love, surely that is
Cognostic's picture
Rabdingeri1982: I'm
Randomhero1982's picture
Sure I will and I'm even
dogalmighty's picture
Love, is a chemical reaction
Cognostic's picture
The difference between love
terraphon's picture
I wonder, wonder...
Sky Pilot's picture
Love =
Tin-Man's picture
@Dio Re: Vid link
Fallen's picture
Love is that nagging feeling
dogalmighty's picture
"...and bitter regret." LMAO
turning_left's picture
I've often been annoyed by
Sheldon's picture
"What is Love?"
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
So where is the love guru GH


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