What Would Constitute Proof That God is a Con?

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Kataclismic's picture
What Would Constitute Proof That God is a Con?

I'm an atheist and struggled with belief as a child because I was about six when my devout Roman-Catholic father said something that I realized he couldn't possibly know. It took years for me to understand the precise difference between assertions and fact, but I could identify the quality of somebody's statement by how they acquired the information at a very young age.

JoC posted a thread asking what would constitute proof of a jealous, all-powerful deity and I wanted to turn the tables and ask what would constitute proof that this being does not exist. I don't usually use the word "proof" though because that term is specifically for mathematics, I did, however, lead with it for purposes of similarity.

Mine asks a bit of a different question from the believers: What sort of evidence do you need to admit that you are wrong?

Now I'll just quickly go through the standard evidence that this being doesn't exist and then top that off with a webpage for people who HAVE admitted that they were wrong - and they should KNOW.

  • Can't be seen
  • Can't be heard
  • Can't be touched
  • Can't be communicated with
  • Claims nothing
  • Produces nothing
  • Does nothing


You'll note that while JoC dreams up "proofs" that he thinks are absurd, I've actually posted evidence that is staring right back. You do have to come out of your dreamworld to see it though.

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algebe's picture
@Kataclismic: What Would
David Killens's picture
Extraordinary claims require
nog642's picture
I don't think the claim that
mykcob4's picture
I completely understand your
Kataclismic's picture
Indeed myckob4, which is just
Sapporo's picture
1) The existence of evil
chimp3's picture
If you could witness someone
Sheldon's picture
It's be a collection of facts
Kataclismic's picture
You're coming at it from a
Sky Pilot's picture
Yeshua gave a simple test to

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